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"Happy Progress Day!" Caitlyn shouts to Daisy who groans into her covers.

"Shut up," Daisy mumbles. She pulls the covers over her head and sighs lightly, "Let me sleep,"

"Can't," Caitlyn chuckles, "I'm due outside of my family's tents and you have to go with my mother. So we are going to the same place," Daisy sighs, popping her head out of the covers to look at Caitlyn.

"I hate progress day," Daisy mumbles, "Everyone is drunk and annoying,"

"Try having to deal with those drunk idiots," Caitlyn says with a sigh. Daisy notices she's already dressed in her enforcer uniform.

"Aw, are you upset about having to protect us from those drunk idiots?" Daisy teases the girl, "It's not like there's a much better post on Progress Day. They all suck,"

"It's just my mother managing my life," Caitlyn sighs, forgetting about waking Daisy up and falling onto the girl's bed, "She isn't letting me run my own life because I'm not going down the path she wanted,"

"I get that," Daisy mumbles. Caitlyn looks over at the girl and gives her cousin a sad smile. Caitlyn has heard countless stories from Daisy about how her mother prepared her for Topside and her wish to marry. It's lessened over the years, but Daisy's mother is desperate to connect again with her daughter that she went back to old habits of trying to find a match for her daughter, "Anyways, I'm up so let me just get changed then we can go,"

Caitlyn nods at Daisy and lets her grab some clothes to change into. She leaves for her bathroom and changes into some of her nicer Piltover clothing. Daisy sighs at the corset she has to wear every day, calling for Caitlyn to help her tie it up, "You look nice," Caitlyn comments.

"Gotta dress to impress for progress day," Daisy says in a sarcastic tone making Caitlyn chuckle.

When she's finished tying the corset, the two girls walk side by side down to the festival. As they're walking, Daisy gets pushed into Caitlyn by a drunk group and she turns around to give them a glare, "God I hate progress day," She mutters.

"I'm gonna be hearing that all day, aren't I?" Caitlyn mumbles to herself. Daisy smirks at her cousin.

"Yep," She says, popping the 'p' at the end.

When they get to the tent, Daisy says bye to Caitlyn before walking over to her aunt. Cassandra gave Daisy a small smile before turning back to the group. Daisy spots Jayce coming over and sent him a smile as he stood next to the girl, "You still okay to help Viktor and I with our presentation to Heimerdinger later?" Jayce leans over and whispers to Daisy. The girl nods at him before turning her attention back to her aunt.

"Ah, here he is. Our most famous protege, Jayce Talis," Cassandra says when she spots Jayce next to Daisy, "The visionary behind the Hexgates. A beacon of trade and prosperity for our great City of Piltover,"

"Excuse me," Jayce says, walking past Cassandra who gives him a confused look., "Sorry, sorry. Yeah, excuse me," Jayce mumbles as he walks through the crowd. Daisy has to hide her laugh as she watches her aunt's reaction.

"He's a very busy man," Her aunt tries to cover up.

Daisy watches as Jayce creeps up to Caitlyn and flicks her hat. She snorts when she sees Caitlyn grabbing his arm and applying pressure so he bends down in pain. Cassandra and her husband look over at Daisy who tries to cover up her laugh with a cough.

Caitlyn looks up to see her mother staring at her with a disapproving gaze. Cassandra looks over at Daisy, nodding her head towards the duo, "Go see what's happening," She asks Daisy who nods her head and walks over.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now