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When Vi wakes up the next morning, she smiles down at Daisy's sleeping figure. The girls face is completely calm, a serene look look that Vi wishes was always on her face. Well that and the smile Daisy gives her.

Vi knows that she has to go, before Daisy's parents walk in and jump to conclusions on what the girls were doing, but Vi doesn't want to leave Daisy to wake up on her own, so she gently shakes the girls shoulder. Daisy scrunches her eyes, letting out a small groan as she leans her head farther into Vi's arm. Vi chuckles slightly, shaking the girl again, "Come on, I gotta go before your parents realize I'm here,"

"Yeah, yeah," Daisy mutters. She opens her eyes and looks up to the pinkette. She gives the girl a tired smile as she lets out a yawn. That's adorable Vi thinks to herself as she looks fondly at the girl. Vi leans down and places a soft kiss on the girls forehead. Daisy lets out a content sigh as she smiles up at the girl, "I'll see you later, yeah?" Daisy says. Vi nods at the girl, turning around, grabbing her clothes from the other day and climbing out of the blonde girls window.

Daisy turns on her back and lets out a soft sigh. She closes her eyes to go back to sleep, but there's hushed whispers that makes Daisy open her eyes. She slowly hops out of bed, tip toeing to her door and opening it slowly to get a better view. Daisy leans over her stairs where she sees Lincoln and their father arguing with hushed whispers.

"I'm telling you, stay out of my business," Kylo whispers angrily, "I'm doing what's best. You have not lived enough to question my decision!"

"I'm old enough to know that what you're doing isn't right. I saw what was happening in that factory. Those animals-"

"Just try to trust me, Lincoln," Kylo says, "I'm doing what's best. It's a good cause," Daisy furrows her eyebrows in confusion. Still trying to piece together what they could be talking about. Lincoln gives Kylo an angry look before walking out the door and slamming it. Daisy jumps slightly, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Kylo looks up and sees his daughter sitting there staring at him, "You guys have been fighting a lot," Daisy mutters.

"Yeah," Kylo says, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"What about? Lincoln said something about a war, and just now with the ani-"

"Not now, Daisy," Kylo sighs, "You'll find out when the time is right," Daisy's body deflates as she hears her fathers voice. It's always so stern now, not as loving as it used to be. Daisy nods at the man, turning back to her room. She gets changed quickly, running down the stairs with her backpack on, "Where are you going?"

"To find Lincoln!" Daisy shouts back.

"Daisy, no-" Kylo says, but he's too late as Daisy is already out the door and running out onto the street. She looks around to see if she can figure out which direction Lincoln went. She lets out a sigh and starts heading towards the brothel, hoping that maybe he's going to see Liz. As she walks to the brothel, she starts to feel nervous thinking of walking into that place. She doesn't even know if she would be let in... or if Lincoln is there.

When Daisy gets to the front, she stops and looks at the building with a conflicted look. Daisy spends so long outside, she doesn't notice the figure that starts to approach her, "Hey sugar, something told me you would be back," Daisy jumps and looks towards the owner of the voice. She tilts her head, trying to figure out who she is. It then clicks that it was Mia, the girl she met after getting Vi her necklace from Topside.

"Oh, Mia, hi," Daisy says.

"So, are you coming in?" She asks. Daisy looks over at the building before turning to Mia.

"Is Liz working?"

Mia turns her head, raising her eyebrow at the blonde, "Yeah, she's inside with a customer," Daisy nods but doesn't move from her position, "I can show you, if you want?" Daisy nods lightly, following the girl inside. All around her, there were giggling and sounds of pleasure. Daisy kept her eyes down, not wanting to see anything as she walks with a red face. Mia looks over and chuckles at the girl, remembering when she was younger and was also embarrassed by this stuff.

She stops in front of a room and Daisy stops, "Uh, can you check first? My brother might be in there and that's something I never want to see," Mia laughs at the blonde, shaking her head as she agrees to check it out. When Mia walks into the room, she spots Lincoln and Liz sitting on the couch, just talking to each other.

"All clear," Mia says to the girl, "Lovely seeing you again," Daisy watches as Mia walks away before she turns to her brother who is staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Again?" He questions.

"I've never been in here. I talked to her for a few minutes months ago," Daisy says, not going any further. The last thing Lincoln would want to hear is that Daisy snuck up to the topside and stole from them. Even if it was a while ago. Lincoln looks at Daisy with a confused look so Daisy just turns to Liz with a smile, "Hey, Liz. How are you?"

"Oh I'm good," Liz says, "How are you, Daisy?"

"I'm good thanks" Daisy smiles at the girl, "You know, you should come with us to The Last Drop later. We are hanging out with our friends," Liz shoots up her eyebrows in surprise at the offer. She turns to Lincoln who gives her a shrug.

"Oh, sure. I can come by after work. I'll be done soon,"

Daisy nods at the girl, "Perfect, we can wait for you," She turns to Lincoln, "Hey, Lincoln, can we talk for a sec?" Lincoln nods at his sister before saying bye to Liz and following Daisy out of the brothel. When they leave, Daisy leans against the wall and looks at her brother with a questioning gaze.

"What?" Lincoln asks.

"I heard you and dad this morning. What do you know?" Daisy asks quickly. She crosses her arms and looks at her brother with a slight glare, "Be honest with me,"

"You know that factory dad took us to? To train?" Daisy nods at Lincoln, "They're producing this purple stuff. I don't know what it is... but it did something to the animals they were testing on. I don't know if it's connected with his talks of war... the place and whatever is going on is dodgy. I've been trying to figure out more but dad is good at hiding it. I swear, Dais, that's all I know," Daisy analyzes Lincolns face to see if he's lying. When she doesn't see he is, Daisy lets out a sigh.

"I believe you. How long ago did you find this out?"

"The day before I took you out and told you about my bad feeling," Daisy nods again. She leans against the wall and processes the information. With all the fighting, Daisy expected more, but she guesses that Lincoln is still trying to get more information.

"Do you think dad's in trouble?"

Lincoln looks up at his sister and sighs, "No, that's what worries me."

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