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At some point, Daisy fell asleep. Vi continued to hold the girl as she felt the girl breathing against her. Vi can't help but take a look at Daisy's back. Her skin is smooth and she traces her hand along the now broken brace. Her mind goes back to Daisy's numb face, Vi just wishes she could have been here for Daisy. Maybe make things easier. She knows that Powder would have cheered the girl up. They all could have been together.

But then Vi thinks about the Doctor. She's not sure if she would have been able to help Daisy. The Undercity didn't have the same resources as Topside.

Vi turns her head to the door that's now opening. Caitlyn smiles at Vi and looks down to Daisy's sleeping figure, "How is she?"

Vi stays quiet as she looks over at the blonde, "She was... quiet," Vi responds, "Was she always like that? After the accident?"

"Worse," Caitlyn replies. She sits on the edge of the bed as she looks over at the blonde, "She didn't talk and when she did it was usually to snap at someone. Her mom, mostly... and me," Caitlyn's voice trails off at the end, "It took a long time for us to get to the place we are now,"

"Daisy was never mean to anyone," Vi chuckled slightly, "Didn't even let me go after her dick of an ex-girlfriend,"

"I thought you were the only person she dated?" Caitlyn asks.

"No. There was a girl before me. I, uh, had the biggest crush on her but didn't really think I was good enough for her. So I ignored her for the first year I knew her,"

"You ignored her because you liked her?" Caitlyn laughs slightly as she questions the girl.

"Yeah," Vi chuckles, "She was just the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Didn't think she'd like someone like me,"

"She turns down everyone that asks her out. Daisy doesn't know this, but I noticed that she always looked at that bracelet. When she was asleep, I looked and saw the photo of the two of you,"

"Yeah... I gave it to her for her birthday," Vi says. Her eyes casting down to the bracelet. She smiles when she looks down at her Daisy necklace, "She gave this to me for mine. I just wanted to get her something just as special,"

Caitlyn smiles at the pinkette, happy that the two are getting along now. She's heard a bit from Daisy, but she likes hearing their relationship from Vi's perspective. She can tell the pink-haired girl cares about the blonde even. Caitlyn clears her throat, "We got a meeting with the council. Once Daisy is ready to go again, we'll present our case," Vi nods at the girl. Still not sure if this plan is going to work.

The two girls look towards the door when Mrs. Kiramman walks in with the doctor next to her, "Caitlyn, take the girl to your room. The doctor needs to help Daisy, alone," She says, emphasizing the alone. Caitlyn nods at her mother, grabbing Vi's arm who reluctantly leaves Daisy with the doctor.

When the two girls get to the room, Vi lays down on Caitlyn's bed. She looks down at the map Caitlyn has of the Undercity and raises her eyebrows, impressed at the girl, "You did all of this? Without even going down there? And I thought Powder could get obsessed,"

"Daisy helped me a bit," Caitlyn replies. She looks over at the pinkette, figuring that she's now thinking about her sister, "What happened to her, it's not your fault," Caitlyn tells the girl. Sitting down on the bed and looking down at the map.

"When my parents were still alive, me and Powder used to share a bed like this. Except, maybe, half the size. We played a game where we pretended to be bigger and bigger monsters. So, she would say, I'm a slug monster with venom for ooze, and I would say, Well... I'm a slug-eating crab with razor sharp spikes, Sometimes, I'd get carried away and she'd get scared. So, I'd pretend to chase my own monsters away. I'd say, No monster's gonna get you when I'm here, and when a monster actually showed up... I just ran away," Vi explains, "I thought Daisy died with the rest of them... I just snapped,"

"What happened that night?"

"Powder was just trying to help. She set off an explosion that killed our adoptive family and hurt Daisy," Vi tells the blue-haired girl, "Daisy doesn't know this yet. Let me be the one that tells her?"

"Of course," Caitlyn says. The two new friends lay on the bed, waiting for the blonde to receive her new brace.


When Daisy wakes up, her eyes squint at the light hitting her face. She lets out a sigh, reaching for her back and letting out a contempt sigh as she feels the brace. The one thing that helps her feel somewhat like her old self. She turns her head and smiles when she spots Vi curled up at the end of her bed. She chuckles at her uncomfortable looking position and shakes her awake. Vi looks up, smiling at the blonde, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Alright," Daisy sighs, "Better with the brace. Want to help me sit up? I just feel a bit stiff," Vi nods, lifting the girl up to an upright sitting position. Daisy smiles at the girl, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards her bed, "You coulda just slept on here with me. You didn't have to sleep in that uncomfortable position,"

"Eh, I've slept in worse positions," Vi says. Daisy drops her gaze a bit. Right, she was in prison.

"How are you? With Powder?" Daisy asks, thinking back to all the new interactions they've had with Powder... Jinx.

"It's my fault," Vi whispers.

"No, it's Silco's. He put some fucked up shit into her head. She was just a kid who lost everyone. You couldn't help going to jail," Daisy tells the girl, grabbing Vi's hand to comfort the girl. She notices the pinkettte scrunch her face, making the blonde confused, "Vi... what are you not telling me?"

"Powder caused the explosion," Vi whispers. Daisy furrows her eyebrows, turning her head confused, "That night. The accident. Powder caused it. She was trying to help, but she made things worse," Vi's voice starts to trail off as Daisy stays quiet. It was Powder who broke Daisy's back. She killed Lincoln, Mylo, Claggor and Vander. No wonder she's so... different. Daisy couldn't imagine the guilt Powder must had been dealing with.

"Poor Powder," Daisy whispers, "She carries so much guilt," Vi started to feel more awful. Her last words to Powder drilled into her head before she was dragged to Stillwater, "What is it, Vi?"

"Powder didn't realize what she did. Who she hurt. When she approached me, telling me she caused the explosion, it was just after Vander died and I thought you..." Vi sighs, "I was so angry. I wasn't thinking... I called her a Jinx. I left her. I saw Silco and saw him approach her, but before I could get back to her, I was taken to Stillwater by Marcus," Vi explains, "I would get if you hated me now..."

"Don't take all the blame, Vi," Daisy whispers. Her head still trying to process everything, "That wasn't right, but it wasn't the main cause for Powder becoming Jinx. With all the guilt, Silco's voice pushing her... it only makes sense," Daisy rests her hand on the pinkette cheek, "Stop taking all the blame. You've always taken on too much. Been expected to take on everyone's burden. Don't fully take this one on. There were multiple factors- not just you,"

Vi feels her eyes starts to water. This was one thing she was afraid to tell Daisy. Scared she would lose her over this, but sometimes she forgets Daisy's mindset. She always looks for the good.

Daisy smiles at the pinkette, leaning in and kissing the girl softly, "We'll take them down, Vi. We got this,"

Vi nods, "We got this,"

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