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Daisy brought Vi back to the apartments. She took her to the apartment that Cassandra gave her and Caitlyn. Daisy hopes that Caitlyn doesn't come try and find them. She knows Vi just needs her own space right now.

When they get there, Vi immediately recognizes the building, "Wait... this is the building we blew up? Why are we here? You weren't here when we did that job," Vi says, "Although... that feels forever ago,"

"This is actually my aunts building," Daisy tells her, "You know, Caitlyn told me about the explosion. Her and Jayce were here," Daisy laughs lightly, "You blew up Jayce's apartment. It did lead to him discovering Hextech though," Vi stays quiet as she thinks of this. She can't believe how small of a world it is, "Don't tell them that, though. I never told them that I knew who blew up the building... I thought you were all gone, so it didn't seem relevant at the time,"

Vi nods. She lets Daisy lead her into the apartments. When they get into the room, Vi looks around at the familiar place. It has different decor, "Who lives here?"

"Me and Caitlyn," Daisy answers, "Well, we don't live here live here. It's our place to go to when we want privacy or get out of the house,"

"Hm," Vi mumbles, walking around the place.

Daisy sighs, walking over to the girl and pulling her back, "Talk to me... what's going on in your pretty little head?"

Vi looks up at Daisy. She wants to tell the blonde that she's going to fight. Vi wants to make Silco pay and she'll do it by herself if she has to.

But, Vi doesn't say anything, she pulls the blonde into a rough kiss and backs her up to the bed. Now that they've taken the next step, Vi can't get enough of her... and this is a good distraction from the conversation. Vi releases her lips from the blonde, trailing hers down to the girls neck as her hand goes up under her shirt and cups Daisy's breast, "Vi, as much as I love you and this, you can't just kiss me to distract me," Vi squeezes Daisy's boob harder, making the girl groan, "Seriously, Vi,"

Vi pulls away from the girl, letting out a sigh, "I don't want to talk about the meeting. Topside will never understand how to work with the Lanes,"

Daisy stays quiet. She wonders if she should ask the question that could make or break them, "Vi... are you gonna go back down there? It's... I can't..."

"I know," Vi whispers, "I've already thought of that,"

"And?" Daisy asks, her face shows the worry all over.

"I don't know. I don't care where we are. I just want you. But I can't stay up here when Powder is down there. I know I can help her... she's still in there. I know what we saw on the bridge. I know she may be gone now, but I have to keep looking for her to find out. If she managed to survive, I have to find out,"

"I get it," Daisy whispers, "Look... as much as I don't agree on a fight, I know that Silco needs to go down," Daisy lets out a sigh, closing her eyes as she thinks about what she's going to say next, "Jayce, he, uh, he has these gauntlets. They'd be perfect for you and they would give you the upper hand. There's a Hextech bow as well. Jayce wouldn't just give it to you... but he might if you can convince him that it's to attack Silco. He wants to fight him, you could see that in the meeting,"

"Great! we'll talks to him-"

"Vi, let me finish," Daisy whispers. Vi nods at the blonde, "You have to promise me that if you get your hands on those gauntlets, you'll be smart. You can't go head first with this issue. There's a lot of Silco supporters down there. If you get the Hextech Gauntlets, it's just to find Powder. Give us... no, give me more time to find a solution. There's gotta be more options,"

Vi furrows her eyebrows, trying to think of this. All she wants to do is take down Silco. Break him down starting with his Shimmer production, but does she want to risk Daisy for that? They're strong enough to make it through, but is it worth trying in the first place.

Vi sighs, "Just for Powder?"

"Just for Powder," Daisy whispers, "We'll get more people on our side. Make the odds even. Just... just give me some time,"

"Alright," Vi whispers, trusting the girl.

Daisy smiles, pulling the girl into another kiss. Vi grabs the girls hips, pulling her onto the pinkette's lap as they continue to make out. Daisy giggles into the girls lips when she feels Vi's hands grip her ass. The two of them just want to keep close to the other. Make up all the lost time they had. Who know, maybe they need it. If they're going to fight Silco and get Powder back, they need to enjoy these moments. They took them for granted when they were kids.

Daisy pulls the shirt off of Vi. Her hand trails down to Vi's opening, both of them repeating the actions that have quickly become their favourite thing. It brings them closer to one another. Feel the other in ways that they will only feel for each other.

It's a memory that will only be for them. Always.


Ahh we are so close to the end!!! I have a few ideas but am still struggling to figure out how I want to end it. I just love this book and it's one of the few that I am very proud of so I want to end it on a satisfying and good note. Thanks y'all for reading and commenting- it means so much :)

Also, I have been planning that when I do finish this book, I'm gonna just make a list and share the ideas I had for this book (and maybe why I didn't go with them). I just think it's fun to share all my ideas and give the reader a perspective on what could have been.

As always, enjoy :)

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