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After some time, Vi pulled away from Daisy and held her hand in her own. They turn to the door when Mylo walked in. Vi let out a sigh, knowing that he's going to start complaining about Powder on today's job. Daisy turned to Vi, giving the girl a small smile, "I should probably find Lincoln and head back home," Daisy whispers.

Vi nods at the girl, giving her a sweet kiss before Daisy stands up, "Be careful," Vi whispers back. Daisy nods, sending Mylo a quick smile before heading out of the basement and up towards the top of the bar. She walks out of the bar and spots Powder digging something out of the garbage shoot.

"Hey Powder. Whatcha got there?" Daisy asks, turning her head to try and get a better look. Powder jumps at Daisy's voice, turning to the girl who is looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't mention it to anyone yet, but these were from the Topside apartment. I'm going to show Vi that I was able to keep some of the stuff!" Powder exclaims excitedly, discreetly showing Daisy one of the blue gemstones. Daisy looks around before taking the gemstone from Powder and examining it. Daisy looks at it in wonder, she can feel some of the power radiating from it.

"Nice find Powder," Daisy praises, "Vi's gonna be really proud you got this," Powder smiles up at the girl, nodding her head excitedly, "Did you see where Lincoln went?"

"Vander took him and Claggor to Benzo's." Powder tells the girl. Daisy nods at her, thanking her briefly before walking towards the shop while Powder goes inside the bar to show Vi what she got.

As Daisy is walking towards Benzo's, she lets out a gasp when she spots enforcer's heading to the shop. She watches as Ekko pushes Lincoln and Benzo away and tries to act calm when the enforcer's pass him. Daisy chuckles at Ekko's little, "Well, hello," to the enforcers. 

Daisy knew she should have followed Claggor and Lincoln back to the bar, but she was always too curious for her own good. So, Daisy climbed up the side of the building and crawled through an open window. She positioned herself more comfortably as she tried to listen in on the conversation. 

Ekko, who found his own way up to listen in on the group, spotted Daisy. He was always impressed with her sneaking abilities. Daisy caught his eye, sending him a small wink that made him blush and look back down at Benzo and Vander's conversaion with the enforcers.

"Don't mind the kid," The female enforcer says, "He doesn't know when to pipe down,"

"Some things are the same topside and bottom," Vander replies.

"You know this crossed a line upstairs," The enforcer says.

"Was anyone hurt?"

"A building was blow to bits. What do you think?" Daisy furrows her eyebrows at the news. They didn't mean any harm.

"Those who did this will be dealt with," Vander tells the girl. Daisy watches his reaction to see what she can tell from it. So far, nothing looks good for Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Powder and Lincoln.

"That workshop belonged to the Kirammans," The enforcer tells Vander. Daisy widens her eyes and her heartbeat increases. Out of every damn building, they had to blow up that one? The enforcer keeps her eyes on Vander, "You know what kind of stuff they had in there? Makes this place look like a candy shop. The council needs someone to make an example of," Daisy's heart rate increases as she fears for her friends, brother and girlfriend, "People need to feel safe,"

"Yeah," Vander scoffs, "Topside people," 

"We had a deal, Vander," The enforcer says. Daisy perks her ears up at this. Her mind starts racing at the news, "You keep your people off my streets and I stay out of your business. Give me a name. We'll do things quietly. No one will know you're involved,"

"I can't do that," Vander sighs.

"You don't seem to grasp  how serious this is. If I don't put someone behind bars tonight, the next time I come down here I'll have an army of enforcers with me. We both know how that will go,"

"I'm sorry, Grayson, but I can't offer up my own people," Vander sighs. Daisy heard enough so she climbs back out the window before anyone could spot her. She looks down and notices the male enforcer standing up front, so Daisy just sits back against the roof.

Soon, Grayson walks out of Benzo's and she and the male enforcer walk away. Daisy stays sitting there until she hears footsteps appraching. She turns her head to see Ekko standing there. Both stay quiet at the news they just heard, "Vander's got a deal with the enforcers," Ekko mutters, sittting next to Daisy.

"I heard," Daisy mutters. She leans her head on her legs as she thinks about everything she just heard.

"What do we do? Should we tell Vi and Lincoln," Ekko asks. Daisy shrugs.

"I don't know. For now, let's just process it and then tell them. They've dealt with enough tonight," Ekko nods at Daisy's suggestion, "Look, I gotta go. Just be safe, now. Enforcers are coming," Ekko nods at the blonde who gives her a small smile. She rubs his head in a comforting manner, gets up and climbs down the roof. 

While Daisy is walking back to The Last Drop, she notices her father up in the distance with a group of people she doesn't recognize. Daisy furrows her eyebrows in confusion, she thought she knew all of her dads friends. 

She hides behind a wall and watches as they grab this beaten up blonde boy. Daisy tries to look closer to see who it is, but she doesn't recognize the boy. She watches as her father and the group grab the boy and drag him off. 

Daisy wants to follow them, but she knows if she doesn't return to Lincoln, he, and Vi, will start to freak after a while, "What are you doing, dad?" Daisy mutters to herself before continuing her route to The Last Drop.

When she gets there, she finds Lincoln and Claggor inside the bar, "Ready to head home, Lincoln?"

"You don't want to say bye to Vi?" Lincoln asks.

"I already did earlier before I left to go find you,"

"Where were you?" Lincoln asks.

"Went to Benzo's to find you. Saw the enforcers and hid behind a pillar until they left," Daisy tells her brother. He nods at her turning to Claggor.

"Stay safe out there. I'll see you guys later," 

"See you guys," Claggor tells the siblings. Daisy smiles at him.

"Bye Claggor," She waves at him, walking out of the bar with her brother. They start to walk towards their home, keeping their eyes out for enforcers or rowdy groups. 

The siblings walk in silence back to their place, "Are you okay?" Lincoln asks. Looking at his sister who is walking slightly hunched as she keeps thinking of everything.

"Yeah, just a lot for one day," Daisy replies.

"No kidding," Lincoln mutters, "But don't worry. We'll be okay- Vander will handle it," He gives his sister an encouraging smile.

"Yeah, right" Daisy mutters. In the back of her mind, all she thinks about is the deal Vander had with the enforcers and the female enforcer, Grayson, warning Vander about the army of enforcers coming down, "I'm sure everything will be fine."

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now