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It's been a few months since the talk with Lincoln. He never brought it up again but Daisy thought about it constantly. She wants to know what made him start thinking like that. Everything he was saying made her confused. It was like he knew something was coming and wanted to rush things. Daisy tried to bring it up, but Lincoln diverted the conversation each time.

Daisy overheard a conversation between Lincoln and their father. They were fighting over something. All Daisy was able to get out of the conversation was Lincoln yelling, "Who are you meeting with? Whatever you're planning- you're gonna get us all hurt!" What her father was planning, Daisy wasn't sure.

Lincoln introduced Liz to Daisy- she was very pretty and had a sort of spunk to her that Daisy enjoyed.

As for Vi and Daisy, they were stronger than ever. They've had a few mishaps, the usual fights that happen within a couple, but they always made it through it better than before. Most of the time it's on if Daisy was being reckless or if Vi just couldn't step away from a fight. Daisy hated seeing the girl hurt but knows she can't stop violence in the Lanes.

So when Daisy was in her room, about to go to bed and she heard a tap on her window, she wasn't too happy to see her girlfriend standing there with blood all over her face. Daisy widens her eyes and opens her window to let her lover in, "Vi!" Daisy whispers, "What the hell happened?" Daisy pulls the girl into her room and leads her to her bed. She sits Vi down and mutters a quiet, "Stay here," as she walks out of her room to grab some first aid supplies.

When Daisy walks back into the room, she sits next to Vi silently and starts to clean her wounds. Vi flinches when Daisy first makes contact with the cut on her eye, she tries to meet the blondes gaze, but Daisy keeps her eyes away, "There were these guys ganging up on a kid, about Powders age, so I stepped in," Daisy pauses slightly, but goes back to cleaning the girls wound as she listens, "You should see the other guys," Vi tries to joke but Daisy just sighs.

"You make it really hard to be mad when you had good intentions," Daisy mutters. Vi gives a small smile to the girl as she watches her clean her cut. Daisy grabs a bandage and places it over the girls eyebrow. She then starts to work on the blood on Vi's fists. Daisy's eyebrows furrow while she cleans... there's just a lot of blood.

"I want to ask who won but I think I can tell," Daisy mutters.

"You mean me?" Vi asks questionably.

"Yes, dumbass," Daisy mutters. She gives Vi a small smile, making Vi release a breath she didn't even realize she was holding. Daisy bandages her hands and leans down to give her knuckles a kiss when she's done. Vi smiles at the girl- she picked up the habit after a few cleanings. She watches as the blonde gets up and starts to put away the supplies. She stays quiet which makes Vi nervous.

Daisy walks back over to her bed, sitting on the opposite side of Vi as she leans her head back on the wall. Vi watches as Daisy closes her eyes and relaxes her body. She lets out a sigh, "Can we talk about it?" Vi asks. Not really wanting to talk about it, but also knowing they need to.

"How do you feel when I'm hurt?" Daisy opens her eyes to look at her girlfriend.

"I hate it," Vi says.

"And I hate when you're hurt. This isn't the first time I've had to patch you up and I know it isn't the last," Daisy lets out a sigh, "You did a good thing. I adore the fact that you have such a good heart, but I hate patching you up. Sometimes I wish you could walk away from a fight," Daisy whispers out the last part.

"I know," Vi whispers, "I could just go to Vand-"

"That's not what I mean, Vi," Daisy leans up and gets closer to the girl, "This is one problem I don't know how to fix. You always go in fists first and I'm scared one day you're going to get hurt beyond repair," Daisy confesses. Vi leans over and grabs the girls hand, she glances down at the bracelet Daisy never takes off, and looks into the girls eyes.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now