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"I took a look at your file," Caitlyn starts, "There's no record of you or your crimes. What are you here for?" Caitlyn watches the girl pace, thinking to herself that there's no way this is Daisy's old girlfriend. Daisy said she died.

"My sunny personality," Vi replies.

"You attacked an inmate. Why?"

"Why not?" She replies boredly. Caitly starts to feel frustrated at the girl.

"He was a witness in an ongoing investigation,"

"Hmm, Bummer,"

"This was a waste of time," Caitlyn mutters to herself.

"Couldn't have put it better. Hey, give Silco a kiss on that winning eye of his, will you?" Caitlyn pauses at the girl's words. She turns back and walks towards the cell.

"Silco? The industrialist?"

"Okay, this is getting old. Can you send in whoever's gonna kick the shit out of me so I can go on with my night?" Caitlyn pauses. Even if she is annoying the girl, Caitlyn feels bad for her. She looks down at the red line, sighing before crossing it.

"Does this mean anything to you?" Caitlyn asks, showing her the photos she took from the investigation. Caitlyn gasps and steps back when the prisoner jumps towards the bars. It's only now that Caitlyn sees the "VI" tattooed on her face. Her eyes trail down and they stop on the purple Daisy necklace wrapped around the girls neck.

So she isn't dead.

"Where did you get this?" Vi asks. Caitlyn stares at the girl's tattoo, "You deaf now?"

"Vi," Caitlyn mutters.

"Yeah, what's it to you? Where did you get that drawing?"

Caitlyn sighs, deciding to push off bringing up Daisy and focusing on the investigation, "My question first. He worked for Silco?"

"Uh, they all do. How can anyone not know that? Where did you find this?"

Caitlyn looks at her curiously, "There was an attack. This is evidence. I need proof if I'm to believe what you're saying about Silco,"

"I can get it for you. Just, not in here,"

Caitlyn pauses. She looks up at the girl with a questioning gaze, "Your name's Vi," She starts. Vi looks at the girl with a questioning gaze. Yeah, it's tattooed on her cheek, but she isn't asking. She already knows, "You've been here for 6 years?"

"And?" Vi questions. Caitlyn stays quiet as she thinks. She looks down at the file. Vi arrived here the same night Daisy arrived at her door. Caitlyn lets out a sigh, turning away and walking away. Vi leans her head closer to the bar, furrowing her eyebrows as she thinks of the weird interaction.

Caitlyn walks back down to the front desk, muttering a small, "This better be your Vi, Daisy," She hands the papers over to the front desk, "I've got orders from Councilor Talis concerning Inmate 516," Caitlyn tells the man.

"Not cooperative, huh?" He chuckles, "You, uh, you want us to have a chat with her?'

"What, no. These are papers for her release,"

"Huh. Since when is he a councilor?"

"Since... today," Caitlyn sighs. The guard shakes his head, taking the papers and accepting them. Caitlyn goes back up to Vi's cell, standing in front of it as the guards open the cell door. Caitlyn makes note of Vi's rolling shoulders, like she's prepared for a fight. When she turns around and see's Caitlyn there, Vi's eyes soften slightly when she realizes she's being let out.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now