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After her visit with Vi, Daisy left The Last Drop to go see Briant, Luke and Arya. She saw her dad in a meeting with Vander so she just turned away before he could see her. As Daisy walks the streets of the Lanes, she avoids eye contact with most of the locals. 

Daisy spots her friends at their usual hangout- one of the rooftops a few streets away from The Last Drop. She smiles at the group, climbing up the side of the house in the same route that she's done time after time. Briant is the first to spot her, flashing the blondie a smile as she walks towards the group, "Daisy, hey!" He exclaims. Arya turns around, excited to see her girlfriend as she walks to the blonde and gives her a quick kiss.

"Hey, we weren't expecting you! Where were you?" Arya asks the girl.

"Oh, I went with my dad to The Last Drop and hung out with Vi," Luke lets out a low whistle and looks at the girl with a raised eyebrow.

"The pink-haired girl? Since when are you guys friends?" Arya also raises her eyebrow in question towards her girlfriend. The only time she heard about the pinkette from Daisy was just in stories with her brother. Or complaining about how Vi was ignoring the girl.

"I mean he's one of my brother's best friends and she's cool. We're friends now," Daisy replies. Feeling heat come to her cheeks as her friends stare daggers into the girl. Arya watches her girlfriend with a curious glance, turning to the boys who are looking at her with an amused look.

"You see her fight that one guy? What was his name again?" Briant speaks up.

"Ben?" Luke suggests but then shakes his head.

"Ken?" Arya says, also not really believing her words.

"No, Eli," Daisy speaks up. The group nods and recognizes the name. Daisy thinks back to the fight. Eli was picking on Powder, Vi turned the corner and got extremely angry. She punched the boy and fought him with such skill that always impressed Daisy.

"Yeah, that's it," Luke says, "Man would I not want to be on the other end of that girl's fist. No matter how hot she is," 

"You think she's hot?" Arya asks in a questioning tone.

"Uh, yeah. You don't?" Luke says, "Even Briant here thinks she's hot and he doesn't exactly swing that way," Daisy looks over at Briant, smirking slightly at the blushing boy.

"Well I don't," Arya says, "She's way too aggressive... what about you Daisy?" Daisy turns to the lightning-haired girl. Her eyes widen slightly as three pairs of eyes look at her.

"Uh, what?" Daisy asks.

"I mean you must," Luke says, "You've known the girl for like a year,"

"Haven't really thought about it," Daisy mutters. This was a lie, though. It was the first thing she noticed about Vi.

Arya keeps her eyes on Daisy who avoids her gaze, looking down at her hands like it's the most interesting thing. Briant and Luke bicker in the background on which one of them, if given the chance, could get Vi.

"I don't think either of you really has a chance," Daisy speaks up. Luke looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I know Briant can't, but why do you say I can't?" Luke questions.

"You're not exactly her type," Daisy says. She chuckles lightly at Luke's confused expression, "She's into woman, Luke," Luke's mouth shapes an Oh as he leans back with a slumped look.

"Damn, all the good ones are," He says. Daisy laughs at this and shakes her head. Her expression drops when she looks over at Arya who is watching her with a raised eyebrow. Daisy looks down at the time.

"Shit!" She mutters, "Dad's gonna be done with Vander soon. I gotta go!" She turns to Arya, giving her a quick kiss before waving at Luke and Briant.

"Say hi to Vi for me!" Luke yells, letting out a loud, "Ow!" As Arya hits him on the back of the head. Daisy laughs and drops down off the roof, landing on her feet as she starts to run towards The Last Drop. Daisy peaks into the bar, sighing when she sees her father's back towards the door. Quietly, Daisy sneaks into the bar and goes down to the basement.

The first thing Daisy notes is that Vi isn't alone anymore. Powder and Ekko now sit in the corner, tinkering with some gadget in the corner. Daisy gives the two kids a quick hug before turning towards Vi. She plops herself on the couch next to Vi. Her cheeks reddening slightly as she thinks back to the conversation she just finished. Vi looks over at the girl, smiling at the girl's flushed face, "What?" Vi asks.

"Hm, oh nothing," Daisy breathes out. 

"No, seriously, what?" Daisy looks over at Vi who's watching her with a curious look. Daisy lets out a sigh, thinking Fuck it as she gives Vi a cheeky grin.

"You have some admirers," Vi raises her eyebrow at Daisy, confused at where this all came from. She turns her body so it's facing the blonde-haired girl. She examines the girl's face to see if she can find anything to tell her what the girl is thinking, "Luke was talking about you," 

Vi's face scrunches up. Whether from disappointment or disgust Daisy couldn't tell, "Pass," Vi says, turning her head. Daisy laughs lightly at Vi's grossed-out expression.

"Don't worry, I told him that he wasn't your type," Daisy leans back and Vi looks at her curiously.

"And what's my type?" Vi asks.

"Well, woman," Daisy says. Vi looks at the girl shocked which makes Daisy chuckle, "It wasn't that hard to tell, Vi. What type of girls you like... I'm not too sure about that," Vi watches the girl, a slightly astonished look planted on her face as she watches the blonde girl. Daisy blushes and gets up. She walks over to Powder and Ekko, very aware of the pinkettes gaze on her.

Daisy sits down next to the blue-haired girl, "Whatcha working on?" Powder looks over at the girl, a smile overtaking her features as she starts to excitedly show her their new invention.

"This is gonna be a smoke bomb! So if we ever get in trouble, we can use to smoke to get away," Daisy smiles at the girl.

"Looks good Powder," She ruffles the girls hair who giggles at the blonde-haired girl. Daisy gives Ekko a smile as well, who gets flustered and looks down at the contraption they were working on. 

Footsteps walk down the stairs. Daisy turns her head to see her father standing there, "Hey Vi, Powder, Ekko. Daisy, ready to go?" Daisy nods, getting up and walking towards her father. She gives the trio one last smile before walking away with her dad.

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