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Azalea felt conflicted with her husband when he returned to tell her that their children aren't returning home for a few days. While they spend a lot of their time with Vander's children, they always returned home at least once to check in with their mother.

So when they didn't return, and she heard whispers outside of the house about a fire and explosion, she began to worry. She did the one thing she hasn't done for years.

Azalea left the house.

It's funny what mothers will do for their children. Azalea never wanted to leave, but she can't pretend that her husbands behaviour hasn't been strange. So Azalea left the house, going towards The Last Drop. When she gets to the bar, Azalea hesitantly opens the door, "Vander!" Azalea calls out looking for her old friend. She walks down to the basement, looking for any sign of life.

Azalea walked over to one of the beds. She pulls out a photo from under the pillow and notices it's one of Vi and Daisy. Azalea jumps when she hears banging upstairs. She puts the photo in her pocket and silently walks to the door. When she peaks through the cracks, her eyes widen when a bunch of bad looking people walk through the bar and start to trash the place. Azalea's heart drops when she spots her husband among them.

Sevika walks over to Kylo, "How are you?"

"Fine," Kylo replies.

"It's okay if you are hurt. Having your children die isn't easy an any situation-" Azalea steps back. Her heart starts hammering in her chest as tears build up in her eyes. Her children are dead? How? Azalea thinks to herself. She thinks back to the explosion that's among the whispers of the street. Azalea lets out a sigh, holding the photo of her daughter and her girlfriend, "I hope you're still here, Vi. Hopefully you can explain what happened to my children,"

Azalea watches the group and waits for an opening to leave. When they walk to the back room, Azalea quickly dashes out of the bar and runs to the streets. Azalea runs into someone, their body is smaller and they fall to the ground. When Azalea looks down, she notices it's one of Daisy and Lincoln's friend, Ekko, "Ekko?" Azalea asks the boy. He looks up at her with wide eyes.

"Wait you're..."

"Lincoln and Daisy's mom, Azalea," She replies, "Have you seen them?"

"The-they went with Vi and the other to the warehouse at the old cannery. I was just heading there because..." Ekko trails off. His eyes start to water with fear as he thinks about what could have happened to his friends.

"Take me there, please. I have to see if I can find anyone there," Azalea trails off, "My husband. He said Lincoln and Daisy are dead," Ekko widens his eyes as a tear falls down his cheek, "He's a part of whatever is happening. I need to find Vander and the others,"

"I'll take you. But we have to be quick," Ekko tells the woman. She nods at him and follows him through the streets. Azalea can't help but look around. She hasn't seen the streets in years. They run for a while until they reach the cannery. Azalea stops when she sees the broken building and enforcers around, "Follow me. Can you climb?" Ekko asks.

"I'm decent. I'll keep up," Azalea tells Ekko who nods. They climb up the side of the building and overlook the scene below. Azalea stops when she sees her daughter laying on the ground next to Vander, "What happened to him?" Azalea whispers, "Oh, god... Daisy, no," Azalea whispers out, crying as she sees her daughter laying there.

"There was this man with a scarred face. He created this... drug or something. It turns people into that," Ekko explains. Knowing more about the situation than Azalea does. He places a comforting hand on Azalea's shoulder as she starts to cry. The duo look up and see the enforcers carrying out bodies, "Don't look up," Ekko whispers. But it's too late, Azalea looks up and sees her sons body burnt and lifeless, being carried off to be buried somewhere.

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