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After some time, Vi and Daisy heard a knock on the door, "Uh, one second!" Daisy called out. She got up and threw some clothes to Vi. Vi lets out a whistle when she sees Daisy's bare body. The girl rolls her eyes, "Just get dressed quickly," Daisy says, but she can't help the smile on her face.

Daisy threw on a dress to be quick before she checked behind her where Vi was now dressed. Daisy opened the door and smiled at Caitlyn who was staring at her with a raised eyebrow, "Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes!" Vi calls from behind her. Daisy's cheeks redden as Caitlyn smirks at the girl, nodding slightly as she gets the hint.

"Well, we are presenting our case today. Since you're... back up and running," Caitlyn says. She gives her cousin teasing look, "Clearly,"

"Right, right. Gotcha," Daisy mutters.

"Oh, um, there's also something you should know," Caitlyn says. Her demeanor falters as she gives the girl a sad look, "I just heard from Jayce. Viktor, he um, he's sick,"

"How sick?" Daisy asks.

"Not much time, sick," Caitlyn tells the girl.

"Where is he?"

"In the lab-" Before Caitlyn can finish Daisy is out the door and making her way to the lab. She grabs the first pair of shoes she sees before heading out the door. She doesn't care that she looks horrible, she just needs to check on Viktor.

When she gets to the lab, Daisy spots Viktor working on the newest form of Hextech. She doesn't hesitate to go up to the man, hugging the man from behind, "Why didn't you tell me?" Daisy whispers. Viktor turns around and looks at the blonde with surprise.

"Daisy? Where were you? I heard your brace broke," Viktor questions the girl back.

"Yeah... long story. Why didn't you tell me you were dying?"

"I just found out,"

"Is there anything I can do? Can we... fix it?"

"I'm trying to work on it," Viktor tells the girl, showing her the Hextech cube, "I think this reacts to organic matter. Hopefully, we can utilize it to help cure not only me, but thousands of people," Viktor points to Daisy's back, "Maybe we can even get that off one day,"

"Hopefully," Daisy mutters. She turns to the man, "You better not die on me. Just... do everything you can, okay?"

"Okay," Viktor says. The two of them lean on the workbench, "I heard there was a councillors meeting tonight? You and Caitlyn presenting something?"

"Mhm. We were in the Undercity finding proof that Silco is in charge of all the bad dealings. Hopefully, the council will hear us and do something about it," Daisy explains. Viktor hums, not really believing that they will, but he doesn't speak his thoughts, "Which I should probably get ready for. Look, just, find me if you need anything. I'll do whatever you need to help,"

"Thank you, Daisy. But I think I might have a solution," Viktor says. Daisy smiles at the man, not really sure what it is, but she knows Viktor will make the right call.

"Okay, great. I'll come back, okay?" Viktor nods at the blonde, watching her turn out and walk back to her place.


After Daisy calmed down, she returned to her place and got dressed in proper clothing. She explained to Vi and Caitlyn what happened. The two girls questioning the blonde about her running out so quickly, "We got the meeting with the Council," Caitlyn tells the blonde. She nods at the girl, guiding her to lead the way. Vi walks up to the blonde, grabbing her hand as they follow Caitlyn.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now