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My eyes lingered on the last step as I hopped off of it landing very unsuccessfully. "Your gonna hurt yourself again!"

My mother yelled from the kitchen not amused at my childish behavior."Marge, she's only Twenty let her live."

My lips quirked up at my dad."JAY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE WERE GONNA BE LATE." I called out to my brother.

It wasn't long until I heard him come down. He stood on the last step fixing his hair."Oh stop acting like your a prince and hurry up or im not giving you a ride."

I said annoyed as I walked to the door."Be back by Nine at least and stay away from the pond!"

My mom yelled as I slammed the door behind me. Looks like Jay is not getting a ride. "Bee!" He yelled running down the walkway I hopped in my car.

"No backsies!" I yelled before pulling off. Yeah, he definitely gonna be mad tonight. Pulling into my usual parking space I go to the cute coffee spot I frequent every morning.

Or course I sometimes hope I meet my Soulmate but then I would be embarrassed. Like right now.

I tripped coming in. Fuck. I tripped over the matt falling knees first into the hard carpet giving me a nasty rug burn and a small bruise on my elbow.

"Ow~." I groan as I get up. The lady behind the counter rushed over."Oh, are you alright dear?"

I smiled at her kindness."Of course Meg I have some bandaids in my bag. Thanks for the help though."

I say smiling as I get up the older lady gives me her hand though I didn't want to put too much weight on her.

"We just got some hot chocolate croissants out of the oven if you?" I nodded my head vigorously.

"Yes, three and my regular drink please," I say already drooling from the smell. She nods and hurried behind the counter.

Walking to my favorite window seat I look at my feed.
Bee: I would literally let all the Avengers decimate me.


User08189:Literally die if it happened
I chuckled at my stupid Twitter post and changed to insta. I didn't post much since my family was well known already.

So I made it a private account not wanting to be bombarded with people. Mostly I stayed out of the media.

After all, no one cares about a failed ballerina. Rolling my eyes at the stupid thought I go back on Twitter.

I didn't post a lot on Insta but I sure did on Twitter. I usually posted thirst tweets about the Avengers.

Cause who wouldn't. I live like six blocks away and im a little obsessed. Especially since we moved here from Chicago.

I've been feeling the pull a lot more. But I still haven't found them. That's when a hear glass softly hitting the table.

"Thanks, Meg," I say briefly before digging in.

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