50 Love You

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The Avengers we're surprised when they were greeted with, a giant pillow fort in their living room and two laughing soulmates.

"Having all the fun without us?" Natasha questioned looking at the two young adults. One who was sitting and laughing at the other.

Who was stationed snugly in between her thighs and against her chest. Beatrice looked over with a wicked grin.

"Noo but Peter has something to tell you after you've finished showering." She says giggling.

He rolled his eyes throwing popcorn at her. She took it and popped it into her mouth. Tony seemed intrigued so he left to wash up.

Everyone else followed suit. Peter groaned."Did you have to do that~?" He groaned embarrassed.

Beatrice kissed the crown of his head."Hey I live to make them jealous plus I might loose my dignity along with you tonight."

He tilted his head a mischievous smile on his face."Whatever do you mean?" She bent down to whisper in his ear.

His lip quirked up at the plan.


I kissed Peter tasting the buttery popcorn on his lips fully knowing who was coming down the hallway.

Currently he was on his stomach and I was sitting thighs on either side of him but he was really enjoying the kiss.

"Start the party without me?" Tony questioned amused look in his eyes. I shook my head.

"Your a night too late." He was quiet."You-" Wanda crossed her arms."You know we didn't think he would last."

I giggled as Peter rested on my stomach."Dont be mad at him he couldn't help that I rocked his world."

I said while shooting my imaginary finger guns. Natasha laughed as Peter attempted to shove his face deeper into my soft stomach.

Soon everyone had come down and found their spot in the comfortable fort. Now it was up to me to embarrass Peter as much as possible.

While single handedly getting them to fuck both of us. No pressure."Yeah he tried to challenge me and he ended up folding in less than five minutes."

Peter groaned face baried in my boobs. I laughed while gently threading my fingers in his head.

Bucky laughed."Yup sounds like him." Tony crossed his arms."Do I get a turn." I flipped him off.

He put his hands up while chuckling."Though I do find his views on Batman quite nice." Bruce snorts.

"Something about getting about destroyed makes his brain go mush I swear all he talks about is Dc."

Beatrice bit her lip."Anways Peter." He looked up to her devilish grin on his face. He gets up easily.

She got up with him."Where are you two going?" Steve questioned. Beatrice giggled."To bed~"

Natasha crossed her arms."Well then if your going to bed mise well bring me too." Peter chuckled and took her hand but before they could leave.

Bucky had picked her up and Tony put his hands around Peters waist."Yeah no sorry, Doll we're coming this time."

Beatrice flushed on the inside but on the inside she was fist-bumping Peter. They were so getting destroyed tonight.

She wouldn't have it any other way.

(I deadass hate this book now, but like I have hella reads so imma leave it up, this is a like parody book so don't think I'm an ass writer cause of this lol.)

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