6 Handsy

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Tapping my nails on the table I scroll down my feed. Then I go to my Insta and post a music video from like three months ago.

It was something random and I didn't think anyone looked at my page anymore. Putting my phone on the table I grab a breadstick.

That's when my phone started blowing up. Looking at my feed I see people tagging me in the video I posted like three seconds ago.

Opening a video I see the daily bugle hopped on it quickly."To see such a forgotten star release this and I quote banger of a song-"

I laugh and then I feel the pull. Ignoring it for a second I continue the video.

"I could never even imagine what her next hits will be if she releases any. But that's it for now!"

Closing the tab I put my head in my hands. I always hated being in the limelight. Even for a little while.

It sucked. That's why after my injury I stayed out of most things not really ready for another fuck up.

That's when plates were sat on the table. I smiled at the guy."Thanks a bunch." I say before digging in.

My sister ate as well. "Sissy I have to go to the bathroom." My sister says looking at me her legs rocking back and forth.

I nod and I grab my purse. Cleaning up her face and mine I walk out of the room. Going to the bathroom I take my sister.

I decided to use the family restroom and I closed the door. My sister went to pee and I fixed my makeup in the mirror.

"Hey, sissy is it possible to like boys and girls?" I look over with a smirk."Yes of course."

I say as she walked over. Checked to make sure she flushed and her dress was right before we left.

Once we got into the restaurant I smiled."So what's with the new question Eva?" She looked nervous as she looked at the floor.

"I like Maria." I smile."Well, I'll tell you a secret. My sister nodded rapidly."I like Blackwidow and Scarlett witch from the Avengers.

She looked at me."Really?" I grinned."Really." She skipped to our table and I sat across from her.

"What if Marias not my soulmate?" She asks. I laughed."There's plenty of time for that who cares play tag or hide and seek with whoever you want to."

Evangeline grinned and started eating. I took a picture of her before starting to finish my food.

When we both were done I paid the tab and we started walking out. Halfway I tripped and a guy caught me.

"T-thanks." I stutter out quickly taking my hand off of his arm and rushing out. Getting in my car I was soon buckling in Eva and then I was gone and at my house.

Though just as we walked in realization struck me. I bolted upstairs and closed my bedroom door hoping I was right.

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