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A few minutes later I heard the door open."Come out Doll." Bucky they sent Bucky. I'm fucked.

My body reacted to his voice immediately making my mark tingle. He chuckled and opened the door.

I sat on my knees looking up at him."Ya know I don't mind the view but you gotta tell me something?"

I nod not trusting my own tongue. He bent down his hand on my chin."Where are you going tonight."

"N-nowhere." I say softly my heart besting and a blush on my cheeks."Goodgirl." I shivered.

Taking his hand away he helped me up hands on my waist. I was hoping he didn't notice. But then again I did.

"Come on we're all off today and your not escaping this time." I just nodded..obediently.

Jesus these people already had a lock on me. They could ask me to jump off a building and I would do it.

Taking out my phone I immediately see my Vogue pictures. We're they always so..submissive.

I was on my knees for the first picture with my hands on my neck. The second one was me in the chains outfit. I was on my knees with my hands in my lap.

My head tilted up and my tongue out my piercing shining in the camera. The third one was me finally being not so submissive.

Did the posers have a fucking kink or something? For this one I was in a chair with my tongue out and middle finger up.

I giggled and posted them on my now public Insta. Bucky peered over with interest but I shied away and tucked it behind me.

"What's so interesting on your phone Doll." Damn, I really loved how he said that."N-nothing."

With that, I knew I sold myself out. He smirked and continued to walk. Though he did something I would have thought of.

He took out his own phone and checked his social media. Whoever gave it to him I'm going to personally punch him in the face.

I immediately knew when he seen it cause he tucked it back in his pocket and strode into the living room.

"Fuck." I muttered following behind. By this time I knew they had been seen. Now I looked like I was into BDSM.

Which I was but damn why the fuck did I agree to those positions. When I entered the living room I already could feel it.

The marks burning with something. I couldn't quite figure it out. So being me. Being little dumb stupid me.

I sat down in the middle of the room. On my knees hands on my lap. Looking up at everyone before asking the stupidest question.

"Y-you like my Vogue photos?" Yeah, great fucking question. I could clearly feel their burning needs.

Like damn plus my whole damn body basically did exactly what I didn't want to do. But hey ya know it's not the worst mistake.

I mean or it could end with me getting fucked into oblivion which isn't the worst thing. But also I probably should get to know them first.

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