37 Thankyou?

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"Wow, I feel so honored," Peter says. I giggle."You should be im like the best person ever."

I gloat. "So since you do have a medical license you wanna work in the lab with me?"Bruce questioned.

"Do I get to wear a nurse uniform?" I question. He looked at me and shook his head.

"If you walked around in that no work would get done." I smirked."It will be modest I promise."

I say faking an innocent look. He looked at me and nodded."I feel like im gonna regret it but if you show up in a modest outfit I can't say no."

I cackle and clap my hands."I've been preparing for ages." Steve looks over."This sounds like the worst idea I've ever heard."

Natasha looks over."Dont you ruin this for me." She says to Steve. He put his hands up."Okay, I relent but this will blow up in all your faces."

Bucky chuckled."I think it's great we all we have our soul mate around to help us and we get to practice control."

Everyone groaned. I giggled."Great, I promise to only be professional." Peter looked at me and smirked.

"I give it six days max before someone breaks." I laughed."I could make it two but im, not a monster."

Clint nodded."It would be a great idea to practice control so do your worst." Tony put his hand to his face.

"I can feel the sexual tension already and it hasn't started." I laughed."Come on loosen up im sure it will be fine. Plus after the first month, ill give you a surprise if you hold out."

Everyone looked over to me."Suprise?" I nodded."Yup hold out for a month which means no kissing or unprofessional contact while im patching you up."

"None?" Peter questioned groaning."None and no affection past kissing will happen till the time is up."

Tony looked at me."This is worse than the time I had to fight aliens." I smiled."You all have each other you'll be fine."

Wanda blinked."Half of us haven't even touched you and we're this rabid in a month I can't even imagine."

I clapped my hands."It will be difficult for me too but its great self-control is good." Bruce then looked at me.

"How good will the surprise be?" I crossed my legs."Dont know you'll have to earn it first." Peter looked at me.

"You a sadist cause it looks like you seem to enjoy causing pain and suffering." I smirked."I don't know you didn't seem like you were in pain last night."

"What happened last night?" I could have sworn they all said the same thing. On right they did.

"Pg13 stuff." I say wrapping myself in a blanket."Yup I can confirm only Pg13 stuff occurred last night."

Peter says. Tony looked over."We all felt the bond so that must have been some intense Pg13 stuff."

I giggled."Jealous I would be im very soft." Peter nodded."She is." Tony glared at him before leaning over and whispering something to him.

Whatever it was made his cheeks turn red.

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