12 unlucky bitch

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I looked behind me panicked thinking I saw something. Nothing. I'm probably just being paranoid again.

I always hated locking the shop up. My least favorite thing to do. Out of every one of my least favorite things to do in the universe.

So as I finished locking up I checked the door one last time. Then I started walking home .

Halfway there I felt like someone was following me. But every time I looked I didn't see anyone.

Must just be me. Ducking behind a car I look around. That's when someone grabs my head and tries to bash my head against the glass.

I grunt as I force my knee up and then I take his arm and force it down breaking it. Then it all went black.

When I woke I was standing in the shower then I saw the drain."Blood?" I question. My heart started to beat faster.

"Blood blood blood," I repeat sitting down head in my hands as I try to stop my throat from hurting.

Tears welled in my eyes as I sat. Then I felt a sharp pain in my head. Holding my head I get up and shut off the tab.

Holding onto the wall I wobble into my room. The lights were off. And my shoes were in the bathroom sink. Blood.

So much blood. I cant remember I can't remember what happened. Falling against my bed sob.

Before blacking out again.
"Get up and fight!" A white room was all she saw.

"Please." She begged as she crawled away."Dont be a coward widows are not cowards!"

Blood. Crimson it flowed from her nose to her mouth. Her wounds.

Even after she stopped being hurt. She always had blood on her. Even the stitches that lined her pelvis.
"No!" She shouted over and over her father rushed into the room."Your okay, your safe." He says to her reaching out.

But she pushed away."Dont touch me! Your one of them!" She shouted now waking up the whole house as she backed away.

"Honey you must be confused." Her father says slowly approaching her again."No, I remember! I remember you gave me away!"

"Bee." This time it was her mother."It's okay Bee we saved you. Your safe." She stilled. Her mother never talked to her like that.

"Bee I think it's time we tell you the truth now that you know most of it." Her father says a loud sigh coming out of his mouth as her mother goes to calm her sister.


I was and always will be a skeptic epically now. My father tells me they paid off whoever took me.

Got me back. I still don't like that my memories were scrambled. He said it was my age.

He said he hoped I wouldn't remember. I was too young. It was too traumatic. But he also told me they turned me into a Black Widow.

An assassin shaped in the red room. I remembered. And now I wish I could just forget it all.

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