14 Your ass is mine

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I glared at Jay."Want to take this inside or are you a bitch." I say looking at him. He glared and flipped me off.

"Hey, im just trying to make sure your ugly little clones don't start running around here," I say putting my hands up.

My mom glared."Jay is not ugly and his babies when he's older will not be ugly." Jay then looked at me.

"At least I found my soulmate." I got up and looked at dad."Can I hit him?" He was in a conversation." can I hit him."

He got annoyed and waved me off. With a yes. Mom glared but Jay was already on the floor.

"Ah you asshole it's only cause your fucking trained-" Mom put her hand over his mouth. "Go to your room till dinners done." He huffed and left.

Crossing my arms I walked to the pool."Im going for a swim." I mutter angry and not caring about our guests.

Then I remembered the guests are my soulmates. Now I am dubbing myself a stupid bitch.

My dress was thrown to the ground revealing my black one piece and all my soul marks. I'm pretty sure my mother fainted.

I jumped in the pool my straight hair now turning curly

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I jumped in the pool my straight hair now turning curly. My dad now held the bridge of his nose as he excused himself to calm my mother.

I popped out not to the amusement of any of the Avengers. They felt the pull. And I was fully aware of that.

But I decided for the best of the company I was not going to act like I knew. Ya know. Cause im not tryna die.

Getting out of the pool I dried off and shivered at the cold air. Made my nipples hard. I squeal as my little sister sprays me with a water gun.

Running to my dress I pick it up off of the grass and then I saw it. My letter. Sitting in my mother's purse.

What the fuck. I walk over and grab it paying no mind to the curious guests. Taking my hand I grabbed it and smirked.

Then I turned to my little sister."Guess what?" I ask her. She looked at me excitedly. "Sissys gonna be a doctor!"

I said she jumped and I picked her up."Like Doc Bear?" She asked. I smiled at the cartoon reference.

"Yup Im gonna stitch you up and make your brand new," I said as I threw her up in the air. Then I smiled.

"Why don't you go inside with Mom and Dad?"She nodded and left to go see my parents. Leaving me with all of the avengers.

Me being me I did a headcount. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8." Squinting I notice Peter talking to Sam."9,10,." Looking around at them noticed they were walking towards me.

But the thing that was really bothering me is where the fuck eleven was. Looking around I put my hands on my hips.

"11." I jumped. Looking behind me I noticed it was the one and only Steve Rodgers.

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