38 Work

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Bee woke up early to make sure no one saw her unless they came down. So she got ready and had breakfast before heading down.

When she got to the med bay and lab she settled in a room. She made sure it was stocked and then she looked over her files.

When Bruce came down he had coffee and was sipping it as he looked over some papers. But when he saw her he had to blink a couple of times.

He had no idea how she made such a cute outfit so sexual. But she did it. She also dyed her hair.

He already felt like the next month was just gonna be a pain. He also noticed her doing her work easily.

She definitely didn't need any help. But soon she would have to patch up the team after the mission.

Which he would leave. So this was gonna be interesting. He left his papers on his desk before leaving to get ready.


Bee smirked as she went over some things on her computer. Everything had notes and was easy to use.

She was also counting down the minutes until everyone got back. It should be right around now.

She prepared the room and then she hurried to make sure everything had been settled. The first person to visit her was Peter.

She could already feel his feelings. They were strong. She smiled."Come and sit down so I can patch you up."

Peter sits on the little bed and she gets to work. He had mostly small bruises and scrapes. So she kissed his forehead.

It made them go away. He flushed. Then she saw his hip. It had a decently deep cut. Kneeling down she grabbed some disinfectant and got to work.

After that, she kissed it. He started to blush as she wrapped the now smaller wound.

Once he left Thor was next. He was in good shape and had a small bruise. She kissed his cheek to heal it.

Then he left. Though every time one of her soulmates came they left a little hornier than the last. She was almost through the guys and Bucky was left.

He came down and he had a few bruises but three deep cuts down his stomach. She of course disinfected the wounds.

Then she Kissed his stomach. It began to heal and she felt him tense under her touch. Then she grabbed the bandages and went to wrap him up.

Her nimble hands worked quickly. Then she looked at his small bruises. Mostly his face. So she kissed his jaw where a big bruise was.

She heard him growl. Which caught her off guard."I don't like being teased." She smiled."It's my power Bucky to heal the area I have to kiss it."

He took her chin."Rember that after you finish work you have to return to us and we know how to get you back just as bad."

He says before letting go and getting up.

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