45 Killer

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I didn't let anyone know. When I left I didn't want to have to deal with questions. I needed my sister.

So I decided to shoot first. When I got in my car I pumped the gas and surpassed many speed limits.

By the time I had arrived at the apartments Mika had waited for me with my sister in her arms.

Like a stupid bitch. "Come on let's go inside," I say taking my sister from her arms. I wanted nothing more than to kill her right then.

But I waited. When we got into the apartments. I noticed the drugs and clear illegal money. She had my sister in here.

I'm gonna fucking kill her. But first I needed to make sure my sister had no idea. Taking headphones from her bag I put them on her.

Then I turned the music up. Sitting her facing away from the kitchen I walk to Mika.

"So how long have you guys planned I'm impressed that you went to such lengths for my delusions."

I almost said it too bitterly. "Months we planned to kill her and guilt you but you understand, don't you? We did it for you."

What a fucked up pair of siblings. Terrible I have to put them out of their misery. Checking on my sister I smile.

"Of course." Then I take my gun out and shoot her.

Straight through the heart. Then another time in her brain. No one would-be reviving this son of a bitch.

Walking to my sister I tuck my gun in my waist band and then I pick her up. She was facing towards the apartment door and didn't even see her body as we left.

Closing the door securely behind me I walked downstairs and into my car. Buckling her in I then got in my car.

Revving the engine I started speeding through traffic. I thought I had left this life in Chicago.

I wasn't shielded but I was a part of something I shouldn't have been. Glancing over to Evangeline I knew it was for her.

Dialing Jayson, I feed it to my earpiece."Hello?" I chuckle."Honey, I think you forget who your dealing with."

He sharply inhaled."Bee what have you done." I smirked."What have you done? Cause I only shot the bullet but your the one who loaded the gun."

"You killed Mika? Your a psycho." I laughed."Takes one to know one and when you killed my sister I was supposed to let it happen?"

He was quiet."Yeah, she told me your little plan, and let me tell you not a fully armed army can keep me from killing you."

He just chuckled."Come at me." Glancing at my sister I looked back to the road."You bet your ass I will."

Then the call ended. I felt my blood rushing to my body. I was ready to kill but first I needed to drop off my sister somewhere safe."

Stopping by the tower I park quickly and rush in."Walking to the elevator I put her on my hip.

"You'll be safe Eva your gonna see Spiderman," I say putting my palm on the keypad.

"Friday." It took a second."Yes, Miss Beatrice?"

"Take my sister up to the lab with Bruce and alert him of her presence say it's only for about three hours."

"Okay facial recognition and Hand key needed." Putting my sister up the camera I then scan her small palm.

Sitting here in the elevator I kiss her cheek."You'll be safe okay don't talk to strangers love you."

I say before tapping the doors. They closed and I walked to my car. Getting in I smirked. He better fucking run.

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