19 Oh

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I changed in my room and walked downstairs. When I got down I noticed everyone was sitting around our fire pit.

It was expensive and had glass barriers with rocks on the inside. Walking I sit next to Bucky Barnes.

It was there or the floor. "She asleep?" Dad questioned I nodded."She was tired." Going onto my phone I look at where my book ended at.

Finding my bookmark I started to read."Bee your moving in with your soulmates tomorrow."

I nod my eyes glued to the book I was reading."Bee." I look up."What Dad?" He sighed.

"Yes, I know okay im just not focused on that right now," I say getting up and walking to the table.

"What are you focused on then," He asks. I run a hand through my hair."Things." I mutter before closing my eyes.

"Go to sleep Bee." He says I look at him and then I shake my head."I still need to pack and then I have to-"

My eyes widened."Yeah, I have a lot to do." I mutter before grabbing my phone and getting up.

"At least take a nap you haven't slept for three days!" He yells after me as I ran into the house.

He facepalmed before chuckling and looking at Tony."Oh yeah, I can't wait till im, not the only one who has to deal with her."

He muttered before grabbing his beer."Now the molecular Cell study."

By the time I got to my room, I had closed my door and was taking boxes from under my bed.

My room could fit in maybe one box. My clothes need like three. Four? I already foresee this taking a good six hours.

So I grabbed a coffee from my mini-fridge and got to work.
Yeah, I was right by the time I finished I needed to leave towards the Avengers Tower which I would be staying at now.

Honestly im glad my dad just decided cause im way too shy to actually talk to them. I don't know why but when it's me and them.

I cannot be like I am with my brother or parents. I just physically can't for some reason.

Drinking my fourth coffee I took my duffle purse and keys and started waking out of my house.

My dad smiled and came to hug me. "Have fun okay and be safe." He says before I leave out the door.

When I got to my car I felt my eyes were starting to water. I know it's probably from my exhaustion but I was super sad.

Wiping my eyes I get focused and I drive to Stark Tower. I ended up parking in a private parking lot.

My dad gave me the directions on my phone. It had facial recognition and everything. When I drove in I saw a bunch of cars.

Parking I get out and stretch. I felt like dead inside but also I high-five myself. It only took like twenty years and meeting them twice.

Walking to the elevator I notice it open."Hello Miss Beatrice I am Jarvis." I smile and tilt my head.

"Hello, Jarvis." The elevator started moving I figured it needed voice recognition as well. It stopped at the 80 floors.

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