7 Fuck

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When I was out of my clothes I looked in the mirror at my hips. "Oh my fucking God." I flushed at the two big ass navy blue handprints.

How the hell would I ever swim again. These handprints don't fade until you actually meet your soulmate.

"Fuck~." I groan as I flop headfirst into my bed. Closing my eyes I try to remember what he looked like.

Blonde hair? Dirty blonde? He definitely had blue eyes. That's the color the handprints follow at least.

God if I was rational like any other human being I would have stayed a little to talk to but no I ran off.

"God im gonna be alone forever." I think as I lay on my bed. Then I remembered I needed a shower.

I did lay on the grass in the park. Groaning once again I get up to take a shower. Looking at my phone I turn it on and pick the temp and light colors.

Then I look at my marks. They ran from my neck down to the small of my back. All of them were flowers.

The colors were bright even on my skin. It was basically all the colors of the rainbow from red to purple. Even black gold and Gray.

She sighed and got in the shower. When she was little she only had one but as she grew more came.

The Purple one was her first one. Then Navy blue then bright red. Her last one was Yellow. She guessed her soulmates were older than her.

The youngest being yellow. When my mother saw the multiple marks I was scolded. Then mother forbid me from ever showing them in public.

At first, I thought it was for my safety. But then I realized my mother hated them. I accidentally overheard her one day after my thirteenth birthday.

She told my dad I was an abomination. No one ever had more than one mate two was a stretch.

My dad defended me. Saying I couldn't help what came it was my fate. Then my mom laughed and said fated to be a whore.

I think I didn't cry as hard as I did that night ever. I covered them and I had anxiety that everyone else would see me that way.

I still kind of do. Usually, when I wear clothes they either cover all of them or most. So people only think I have two.

Washing I decided I wouldn't tell my mother about what happened. Cause she would judge me.

She was the worst when she did. Getting out I dried off and put on a shirt and underwear before getting in bed.

Then I typed out a tweet on my Twitter.

         Bee: Daddy, no daddy no daddy?

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Bee: Daddy, no daddy no daddy?

User099:down badddd
Uswer33:Bee put your hands where I can see them to horny jail you go.
Bee: Officer you see-🏃💨💨
Liked by SpiderBoy TheWanda and TheNatasha
Deciding to check on it tomorrow I pass out.

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