2 Thirsty

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After finishing most of my food I yawned. I could use a nap or two. Though after this I probably need to go to the gym.

Mom says I've gotten chubbier and it's not good for our public image. I know she does it out of love.

But it hurts sometimes. Setting money on the counter I grabbed my last croissant and stuck it in my mouth as I left.

"Thanks again, Meg," I muttered out before opening the door and going to my car the bells jingling behind me.

I always did love Meg's little shop she always did make me feel at home. No matter what she gave me.

Unlocking my car I get in and I drive home. I thought about getting a house of my own but honestly living in New York is expensive.

I'm still saving since im about to finish up college. Mom and Dad said they were proud someone was going to college.

I giggle remembering how they reacted my older brother flat-out refused and became an okay actor.

I've been in a few movies but I was never one who enjoyed that sort of thing. I was always the introvert of the family.

Whether my mom liked it or not. I couldn't change who I was. Especially after I was injured.

Huffing I get out of my car, keys in my hand and I notice no ones here. Must have left for some type of press thing.

At least it keeps them away from me. Going to the door I enter the code and put my fingerprint before using my key.

I always hated this door. It's a bitch to open when your drunk and trying not to get caught by your parents.

Smiling at the memory I walk in the door securing behind me. Walking up the stairs I go to my room and open the door.

It didn't take long for me to put my stuff down and change into some comfy clothes. It was finals for me and I was exhausted.

Dad told me he was so proud I finished so early with a doctorate. It's for of course being a doctor.

Even if I haven't finished yet he acts like I have saying he knows me and he knows that I won't fail.

It really puts me off cause I know there's no way I can fail with so much weight riding on the fact if I become useful or not.

Closing my eyes I rollover. But just before I could go to sleep I hear a ding.

Looking over I see a Twitter share. Grabbing my phone I look at who shared it.
TheWanda: Shared
My eyes widened. Oh shit. Did the actual Wanda just share my thirst post? I flushed. I didn't know whether to freak out or die.

So I did both. "Oh my fucking God!" I screamed into my pillow now feeling a little bit of shame.

Okay did the post say I would let Natasha and Wanda have their way with me? Maybe. But to my defense who wouldn't?

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