39 The Month

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Bee couldn't help but watch in amusement as the weeks passed by. Eventually, she had broken down each Avenger after each teasing touch.

Though none of them broke. She being a little genius had eaten dinner and went to sleep every day.

The whole month they only were able to get touched during their exams. So they were restless by the end of it.

The final day was apon them and they refused to give. Bee found it a nice challenge.

So this time as she went through every one. She touched them to a minimal amount. Meaning they were basically starving for her.

When the day had ended and she came to the kitchen she felt the tension. It was thick. Stretching her crop top rode up.

Leaving her low sweatpants and her thong straps on full display. They were high on her hips.

Her hair was down as she had her glasses on. She could feel the restraint. It was wearing. Walking to the fridge she grabbed a water bottle.

"Rough day?" She teased. Natasha leaned on the counter palm on her cheek."Very funny."

She was not amused. Bee giggled."Come on it's the last day it can't be that bad." Steve looked at her.

"The minute it hits midnight your clothes hit the floor." She laughed."Come on Steve where's the gentlemen I know and love."

He looked at me. Then tilted his head."Didn't say I would rip them off." Bee chuckled."You guys are dramatic."

Bucky looked at her. Then he crossed his arms."You've teased us for a month in that short nurse outfit you think we will wait a minute past midnight?"

Tony chuckled."If you last that long." Bee put her hands behind her."You can do it right now what's stopping you?"

She says shrugging her shoulders. Bruce just smiled."Were all too stubborn to back down from the challenge and there are only five minutes left Bee to try harder."

Bee looked at him then giggled. Everyone at this point had gathered in the kitchen. Bee tapped her chin.

"I was gonna wait to give you a headstart." She says before reaching to the hem of her shirt.

"Bee," Peter says a warning sitting in his words. She started to pull. Their eyes were glued to her.

Slipping off her shirt she then reached down to the hem of her joggers. "Bee." This time it was Wanda.

She couldn't sense how they were at the end of their ropes. Then she tugged. But instead of taking them off, she walked out and then left towards the room.

She had maybe two minutes left. So she started to get ready. Slipping on some lingerie she put on her oversized black sweatshirt over it

Then some shorts. Honestly, when she first came up with the idea it was so she could get to know them and build up her courage.

Now she was ready. Putting in her contacts she stretched.

"Three." She counted slow and she came down the stairs."Two......One."

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