27 Smile never lasts long

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When I come up I felt a soft grip around my waist. It was Peter and he was smirking at me.

"You get hot when you sleep?" I look down and notice I flung my pants off somewhere in my room.

I felt my whole face turn red."Shutup." Before I rolled out of his arms and grabbed some clothes before going into my bathroom.

I heard him snicker behind me as I closed the door and started the shower. Looking in the mirror I take down my hair and undress.

When it was warm I got in and shaved then I wanted and got out. Drying off I put on a cropped white tee on.

It had a small blue flower with Russian at the top. It read always and forever. Throwing on some shorts I brushed my teeth and popped in my contacts.

Then my headphones.

Walking out I see Peter had left. Walking out of the door I yawn. Then I make my way down the stairs.

Softly I swayed to the music as I looked through my socials. Then I smelled it pop tarts.

I walked into the kitchen then I took off my headphones. I open a cabinet and my mouth opened.

There were like seven types of cereal and pop tarts. I grabbed a pack and inspected it. Cinnamon.

I opened the pack and popped them in the toasters. I bounced on the pads of my feet. When they popped out I took a napkin and put them on it.

Then I devoured them. I didn't even wait I sat down on the floor and started to eat both. moans of delight filled the air as I finished them.

Wiping my face I stood and noticed amused looks. "Was that your first pop tart?" Thor asked confused.

"I don't really get to eat sweet things much haven't had a pop tart since I was like eight," I mutter before opening the fridge.

My eyes looked through all the healthy options. I then picked a bottle of water. Closing the door I see my phone ring.

It was my mom. I looked at it and then I picked it up. "Hello?" I popped the cap off my water bottle before drinking some.

"Have you gone to the gym yet you've gained a lot of weight over the months?" I wince and look down at the floor.

"No and I-i don't really want to." I heard her frustratingly sigh."You will go I refuse to have a fat daughter what will everyone think if you show up to the next gathering as an overweight whale!"

I felt my eyes water. "Im an adult and you can't tell me what to do anymore this conversation is over."

I say shakily before ending the call. Then I gripped my water. Wanda looked at me."Who was that?"

I smiled."Just ah family they were checking on me." I say before drinking some more water.

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