15 Equasions

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"Oh hello, you enjoying the barbeque?" I asked nervously."Beatrice right?" He questioned.

I nodded then put my hands behind my back."Though you can just call me Bee." I say smiling.

Then my phone rang. Grabbing it I smile and turn away."Baby." I laughed as I walked to the table.

"You know I really hate to say this but-""Your breaking up with me?" I say bored out of mind with conversation and wanting to get back to Steve.

"Yeah, I hope-" "Thanks bye," I say then I pump my fist in the air. "Dad I owe you Fifty bucks!"

I yell into the house before grabbing a cookie. Waking back I wave."A boyfriend?" He questioned.

I chuckled."No well not anymore." I say leaning back yawning. Steve was amused."Your my soulmate."

I looked at him clueless."Oh well, that's nice but I have to go and uh bye!" I say nervously before walking into my house.

Steve chuckled as Bucky looked over."Told you I should have said it." Steve simply rolled his eyes.

"They're gonna get stuck one day," Bruce says as he scribbled down something on a piece of paper.

I was listening behind the door. Until I was tapped on the shoulder. Making me squeal."Why are you hiding?"

My dad questioned a confused look on his face. I went to his ear as said."They're my soulmates."

My father then burst out in laughter as took my hand."Well come on then you have to talk to them sometime."

I groaned as he dragged me out. Then I of course being my introverted self begged to choose the music.

Dad chuckled and nodded. I grabbed the aux excitedly. Turning on my playlist I hear the first song and grin.

My favorite. I relaxed a bit. My hair had dried and was now super fluffy and in my face. Walking to the pool I bent to grab a hair tie I left.

Taking it I stood and put my hair up. "Ahh, ahh." I sang along as I fixed my dress. Then I twitched and turned around my hand catching something.

Looking at it I see a rock. Looking up I flip my brother off."Asshole." I mutter before walking over to Peter.

He seemed nice. "Hi, im Bee." I introduce myself. He looked at me and smiled."Peter." Then I looked at his hand.

"Qudrat equation?" I ask shyly. He looked at his hand and put his hand to his neck."Yeah, I was working on it last night and probably forgot about it."

I laugh and show him my arm which had pen on it still remaining from the night before."Wow-what were you working on?"

He asked I looked at my feet."Calming down but it was just some equations for different types of plasma bombs."

I say fiddling with my fingers. He chuckled."Thats interesting I've never heard of that before usually it stresses people out."

He says his eyes focused on mine. Looking up I tilt my head.

"Well, I never have to think about it so hard. So it makes me relax being able to focus on something I can figure out."

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