16 Softy

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She picked up her little sister and threw her up in the air."Of course ill color with you." She then looked at Peter.

"Wanna come?" He looked at them and felt a red hue on his cheeks."Sure." She smirked and twirled her sister in the air.

She sat under the okay tree and waved Peter to the seat next to her. Her sister started coloring.

He sat next to her."It's cute how much you care for your sister." She smiled and put her hands on her lap.

"Well, I honestly see her as the only child ill ever have." Peter's smile seemed to falter. Beatrice looked over.

She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder."It's okay Peter I've gotten used to it." He reached down and put his hand over hers.

"Your really great." He says looking at her as she laughed and colored with her little sister."You are to honestly I was a bit nervous."

She says as she handed him a coloring book. Peter smirked."I must be pretty great then huh?"

She giggled and went over to his ear."I must address you as sir then huh." Peter sputtered as his face turned red.

She laughed and then her sister came over."Dance with me La sien is on!" Bee smiled and got up her sister coming over.

She took her sister's hand and they both began to dance. Twirling around her sister she dipped the little girl before twirling with her sister.

Both laughed as their father whistled. Picking up her sister she realized her hair came down but didn't care.

Picking up her sister she put her on her hip and took her hand and danced. Her sister giggled.

"I realize im hypnotized La Sein La Sein La Sein." She sang out happily her sister singing along.

"I feel alive when im beside La Sien La Sien La Sein." She said before dipping them and dancing in a circle.

White flowers fell from the tree above painting around them as they danced. "Tell me why La Sein and I."

She finished off the song but still danced to the clapping before the song ended. Setting her sister down she gave her a bunch of kisses before letting the next song play.

"Sissy, will you ever dance like you used to?" Bee put her hand on Eva's cheek giving it a soft pinch.

"Maybe for your seventh birthday." Bee says standing up."But sissy you used to dance so pretty."

Bee looked down at her brace."Ill make you a deal." Her sister nodded vigorously."If you convince dad to dance too I will."

Her sister ran off leaving her to walk back to the tree. Peter watched as she crossed her legs and smiled.

"You ever dance before?" She asked. He shook his head."No why?" He questioned. She lifted her dress to show him her brace.

She sighed."I had an accident when I was at a recital and almost lost my leg. But they were able to fix the damage."

She says before looking over to her sister."She asks me even year but I don't know If I can ever really dance like that again."

She muttered. Peter looked over with a smile."I think your dancing right now is the best I've ever seen."

Bee giggled and kissed his cheek."Thanks I have to go help with bringing the food out hopefully we can talk after dinner."

She says before walking off. Peter got up and walked over to Tony."You owe me 60 and apology."

Bruce snorted. Tony begrudgingly gave him the money."Never thought you would actually talk to her without assistance so im sorry."

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