17 Red Cheeks

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Sitting down I fix my plate. My mom looked at me. So to appease her I put a small amount. She smiled.

Rolling my eyes I tucked my phone on my lap and looked down."Is that your girlfriend~."Jay teased.

"Jay you act like I won't throw this fork at you." I threaten before going back to texting my friend.

"Use protection." He says. I looked over and grabbed the nearest sharp object. "Thats not how it works dumbass."

Then I launch it at him. Dad catches it before glaring at me. He put the fork down and looked at me.

"Do I have to bring out the baby forks?" I crossed my arms."He's older than me and I can't stab him?"

My dad looked at me then shook his head."At least I have a job." Jay looked at me"At least I get some."

I smirked."At least I didn't drop out of college." He flipped me off. Mom popped the back of his neck.

I giggled before looking over to Peter."Sorry I stole your fork if you want you can have mine im not that hungry anyway."

I say glaring at Jay. Peter chuckled and stole Tony's fork."Already have one." Tony looked over with a deadpan look.

I giggled. Then I looked at my phone. 'Twenty-year-old virgin.' I glared at Jay. Then I reached over to my sister and turned her headphones up.

My dad already looked like he was going to facepalm."Can I say a bad word?" I ask him. He looked at me.

"Can I say a bad word?" Dad just nodded amusedly."You motherfucking bitch!" I yell before getting up and walking around the table.

"We fight inside now." He got up and walked with me. Dad was following behind."Come on guys we have guests."

He says."He called me a twenty-year-old virgin who gets none." Dad sighed and closed the screen door.

"Five minutes." He says before walking off. It took me three before he was on the floor screaming.

"Dont be a little bitch." I say before slapping the back of his neck and walking outside. He followed.

Dad had his fingers at the bridge of his nose already. Mom had already given up and was silently eating.

I grinned as I sat down. My brother crossed his arms."You know I may have gotten my ass beat by you but I still get bitches."

Mom popped his neck and flicked his temple."Eat." I giggled and she glared at me."Your lucky you just graduated or I would have already gotten you too."

I roll my eyes. My little sister gave me a thumbs up before going back to her show. Dad then brought out a pie.

A banana cream pie. I looked at it and almost fainted."Yes Bee it's for you." I look at mom them back at the pie.

"Go ahead." She said begrudgingly. I took two slices and when I got it in my mouth I don't think I've ever moaned so loud.

"Manners," Dad said chuckling. I looked at him then I smirked."Sorry father this pie is absolutely fucking bussing."

Peter choked on his drink and had to hold back his laughter as my dad looked at me and facepalmed.

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