36 Bonding Time

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"Come on those were the good old days remember those when you literally had men and women on their knees begging for you."

I laugh."Im not single anymore Jasmine and really I just don't find the appeal in it I have a doctorate for Pete's sake."

"Come on at least come out and drink with me." She begged."I will go out and have sushi with you Saturday night how does that sound?"

I question."Brilliant now if you could just ya know not to dress like a hobo that would be great too."

I pour some cereal in a bowl."Who am I dressing up for Jasmine im tired let me rest okay college was hard I don't feel like partying like ever again."

I say pouring milk in my bowl."But you have the fattest ass in New York and you don't want to dance like we used to!"

I pinch the bridge of my nose."Jasmine, enough we are not teenagers anymore-" She laughed.

"You still have that box don't you." I grow silent."You little slut you I swear you can take the girl out of the slut but you can't take the slut out of the girl."

I roll my eyes."Im hanging up goodbye good riddance never again." I say before hanging up. Then I start eating my lucky charms.

My phone rings again. This time it's my mom. "Im going to throw it out the window." I groan.

Then I got the best idea. I put it on vibrate and throw it to Tony."Keep it." I say before sitting on the couch next to Steve.

"You sure cause im nosey." I smirk."Be nosey all you want just get it the hell away from me."

I say before eating my cereal. "So how crazy was your college experience?"

Peter questions. I put my finger up and drink my milk. Then I lick my lips."I was a bit of a....whore not gonna lie."

I say leaning back on the couch."To be fair I was like seventeen and was finding out new things about myself."

I then yawn."A number." Tony questions."What think mines gonna be higher than yours?" I smirk.

He chuckled."Not by a long shot." I cross my arms."54." Tony looked at me surprised."Damn."Thor says looking at me.

"Impressive for a mortal." I laugh."I had like maybe half women a little more. Then of course you had men and everything in between."

I say waving my hand. Tony tilted his head."Your twenty right?" I nod my head."Twenty-One actually yesterday was my bday."

He rolled his eyes."So what's the box?" I chuckle."Wouldnt you like to know." He nodded.

Then I looked over to Steve."Ya know you left big ass handprints on my waist I think if I didn't jump out of that window my mother would have killed me."

I say changing the subject. Natasha looked at me."So it was you, you sneaky little." I pouted.

"Dont be mad I mean I wasn't trying to die before I could at least fuck one of you," I say shrugging my shoulders.

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