24 Horny

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I put my face in my hands when it showed me in a dimly lit room pole dancing. I slid down and when he came in I smirked and backed into the pole three hard times before crawling across the stage.

I flipped to my back and put my legs up slowly dragging my hands down. I smiled when I heard the song start to play.

My character hopped off the stage and walked through the empty bar. Daniel brought about twenty armed men.

He sat and smirks."Give me the antidote or I kill you and pick you apart until find it." My character smirked before looking at him dead in the eye.

"Do your worst." The guards came up shooting at me. I dodged and fought. Taking guns from them and killing them off while sliding across the floor and using my knives.

It was really cool and my favorite scene. My body moved the music making it seem sexy. Soon it was just me and him.

Blood trickled from my lip. I licked it and walked over. "One last kiss?" He smirked and brought me in.

But my gun had fired off. His gun just barely in his hand. I watched as his body fell. Kneeling down I stroke his face.

"We could have been so much." Then I kissed his forehead. Before getting up and taking out a cigarette.

Lighting it I noticed him look at me. Cocking my gun I shot him again this time through the head.

Leaving I turned around and walked out. The scene melded as it showed me closing the door and the building exploding.

Then me standing in front of it with a cigarette. I flicked the cigarette behind me in a puddle.

End credits. I felt my face burn as the lights came on dim but they were on. Tony smirked."Didn't know you acted in movies."

I sputtered as the credits rolled the same song playing. "I-it was one time and I was uh different when I was younger."

I mutter. Clint then looked at the screen."Is there a second one?" I felt my face turn bright red as I jumped for the remote.

Snatching it I hid it behind me."No more movies with me in them." Bucky crossed his arms.

"I liked that movie." Then I finally saw the dreaded ending.

"Baby~." It was me on my knees a collar and a leash on my neck as honey dripped from her hand and into my mouth dribbling down my chin.

The woman chuckled as she kneeled down and took my chin. Before kissing me. I smirked as she pushed me to the ground.

Her knee was in between my legs as the camera went black. "Yeah im pretty sure I wanna watch the second one too."

Natasha said smirking. I sputtered again my face never cooling down. While I was distracted Peter snagged the remote.

"Noooo." I groaned out. Wanda came from the kitchen with popcorn."We like your acting."

She says before sitting next to me. I already have my face buried in a pillow. These people were some Horny fucks.

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