10 Avoidance

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Yeah, I never got clarity. By the time I made it out of the coffee shop my arms were covered in scientific equations and doodles.

Nothing was working and I was at a loss. When I got home my Dad waited for me and sighed.

"Im going out again not missing just going out," I said grabbing my purse and keys before leaving.

My dad pretty much supported me in all of my decisions. Because he knew when I was hurting or when I just needed alone time.

So as I drove I went to find a place. A place where I could relax. Actually, relax.

So I went to the only place I knew. It was a few miles out. In the only woody area, New York had.

Pulling into the parking lot I got out and left into the forest reserve.

It was open all hours. Finding the stage used for shows sometimes I put in my air pods and I start dancing.

I haven't danced in years. But I let it come and take over me. I let everything come out. From dusk till dawn, I danced.

Until I was too tired. By the time I had finished, I could watch the sunrise. Flexing my leg I looked at the brace. It wasn't much. Some flexible fabric.

That was it. Black flexible fabric. My doctor said it was for resistance. Getting up I grab my stuff and I drive to get some coffee.

I was tired but I had work. Yeah, work. I swung by a coffee shop and back home. When I came through the door my dad smiled.

Then he frowned. I was covered in bruises. Legs arms knees. "Im fine," I say before walking upstairs.

I wasn't fine. I had a very emotionally taxing night. But that wasn't important what was important was showering and getting ready for work.

Though I couldn't help but tweet. At this point, I didn't really care. Sleep deprivation had taken over.


Bee: Your a dirty liar if you don't think this is hot

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Bee: Your a dirty liar if you don't think this is hot.



User0829:Caught in 4k again👀

Bee: In my defense id let him break me like that peice of wood.🤷

Liked by SpiderBoy TheWanda and Bigguy
I put my phone on the counter in my bathroom and went to go take a shower.

After I came out I noticed my phone vibrating like crazy. Deciding to keep my phone off I got dressed.

Yeah I know people who care about me may be dying but I had things to do. Walking out I grab my phone and purse.

I decided to walk not wanting to drive tired. Walking should wake me up good. So my coffee can kick in.

When I got there Murphy smiled softly at me."Hi Murphs." I said as he mowed and jumped down from the counter.

Rubbing against my hand I watched as he jumped into my arms. Petting him I got to clock in.

As I did I rubbed the furry cat in my arms."Murphy needs love all the time." I said kissing his head.

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