20 Sleep Deprivation

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When the doors opened I saw a few Avengers scattered around some drinking coffee others just chatting.

Then I saw Peter on the couch doing something. He had a laptop. I was a little wousy. So I wobbled in. When I saw the couch. I put my bag down and flopped.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

When I woke it was am hour later. More of my soulmates came downstairs. Peter looked over.

"You woke up." He said surprised."I just needed a small nap." I said before yawning."You sure you don't want to go back to sleep?"

He questioned. "No I still have to-" I looked at my phone for whatever I had to do."Oh right, unpack."

I mutter. Peter chuckled."They already did the movers were quick did it early and were in and out by the time you woke up.

I grinned and looked at my phone."I hadn't planned this I rarely get a day where there's nothing to do which means."

I got up and ran out my bag in my hand. I came back in footy pajamas. Peter looked at me.

"You own a Bee onesie," Steve says looking at me. I nodded and went to the couch before laying down.

"Thats the cutest thing I've ever seen," Bucky says looking at me as I curiously looked at Peters laptop.

When Tony Natasha and Wanda came down the first thing they did was go to the kitchen to get coffee.

I giggled."How much caffeine have you had?" Peter questioned as I looked up at him."On the last day Nine bottles of coffee. Last three days a lot."

I say smirking. He chuckled. Part of my hand was still yellow from his big ole hand. Getting up I walk into the kitchen.

"No more coffee," Peter says. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a water bottle. Wanda looked at me.

Then she looked at me again."Cute." I was quiet before opening my phone and looking at my text messages.

No missed texts for once. Then my phone rang. I looked at it and then I opened a cabinet set it inside and walked out.

Tony looked at me and then my phone before chuckling."You can't leave it there forever. Peter muttered.

"But I can," I say before passing out on his shoulder.

Peter chuckled before covering Bee with a blanket."Did you take a picture?" Tony asked as Wanda stood her phone out.

"It's the only thing I have done this morning." She says before looking at Bee again."She's interesting." Steve says.

"Yeah, I've never seen someone threaten to stab a person then get super shy." Peter laughed.

"She's probably just adjusting." Natasha looked at her before going to the cabinet and opening it.

"Natasha your not doing what I think you gonna do are you?" Bucky questioned as he watched her take Bee's phone.

"Well I mean it's right here." Tony sighed."Thats an invasion of privacy." Natasha looked at them then unlocked her phone.

"What if she gets mad blame it on me." She says before casually looking through it. Wanda shook her head before walking to the living room.

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