21 Embarrassed

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I awoke and rolled off the couch. Then I tapped the floor and groaned. Opening my hand I wave it across my face.

"Ah." I groan getting up I go to my bag and grab my contact case. Walking to the bathroom I ignore the curious glances.

Tilting my head I look in the bathroom mirror and then I take them out."Ow ow owww." I groan as I put the devil contacts away.

Blinking my eyes I wobble out of the bathroom. When I made it back to my bag I dug through it.

"Сукин сын, эта головная боль убивает, "I muttered as I found what I was looking for.

My glasses were rectangular and had no frame. Propping them on my face I got up and stretched.

"You wear glasses?" I looked over to Wanda. "Yeah cause im blind~." I said before I heard my phone ring

It was on the counter."Did I leave it there?" I muttered confused. Walking over I grabbed it then I saw the time.

"COME ON FUCK ME EMO BOY." I heard. I giggled."Jasmine~." I greeted before putting my hand to my neck.

"So you weren't gonna tell me or?" I put my hand to my forehead."Oh~well you know.." I heard her gasp.

"Dont tell me your not talking to them." I groaned and rolled my eyes. "You better not have moved in have you guys even kissed yet!"

She yelled so loud even if your not on speaker you could hear her. My face heated up."You dirty virgin!"

I started walking to the big window in the living room hoping to distance myself. Just in case they could hear.

"Jasmine, didn't you fuck your soulmate the very first day you met him?" I question as I leaned back and put my legs up in the air.

"Yeah, so not my fault I actually have class." I snickered."You know what Jasmine at least I'm not a dirty slut."

She gasped."YOU WERE WORSE THAN ME!" I cackled."But didn't you fuck a guy-" She screamed?"Dont even say it!"

I giggle and split my legs before yawning."What time is it?" I mutter. "6:30!" I squealed."You didn't call me! I'm gonna be so late."

I say before putting my legs down and grabbing my bag."I tried but every time it went to voicemail!"

Running to the hall bathroom I change."Dude your so gonna fuck a God right?" I groan."Shut up flame boy fucker."

This time she was on speaker."Didn't you have like eleven fuck buddies in high school!" I giggled."Fifteen actually."

"You dirty fucking skank!" I laugh as I leave out of the door. Grabbing my hair I take it down.

"Hey don't judge me you know how much stress I was under I mean who turns down Jessica Radly?"

I say sarcastically. "Yeah, she was like pussymitized after you fucked her!" I chuckled.

Then I stretched."Keep the pole warm for me won't you." I say before ending the call.

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