9 Hand Prints

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He hugged me. Then he kissed the crown of my head."Im so proud of you though a little sad you didn't tell me first."

I laughed and rolled my eyes."I haven't met him yet but Im glad I've finally come across one."

My mother came over in a long gold dress that made her look like a box. "I can't believe you've pulled this we will be discussing this at home."

I sigh and walk past her. Looking at the snack bar I see my brother."Not coming to eat again are you?"

He teased. I flipped him off and grabbed a glass of tea. That's when I felt it. A pull. It was hard.

They were here. It was strong so I knew multiple were here. But who. I discreetly looked around.

When my eyes landed on the man on stage I held in a gasp. Tony Stark? There was no possible way.

Looking over I see the other Avengers all talking but glancing at me. I turned around and sat the glass on my table.

Then I went to the bathroom. Closing the door I change and then I look for a window. Finding it I feel for a slider.

Finding it I push it and step through. Closing it behind me I see the door open. Tucking myself behind a wall I peer into the room.

Natasha came in and looked around. Then she looked at the window. With that, I quickly ran. Yeah, I refuse to believe this is happening.

I refuse it. Once I made it to the street I blended in and found a cafe to sit at. Not my regular one.

But far enough away I could have a break. Ordering a coffee I sit at the window. Peering out in the street I see my phone ring.

Turning it off I close my eyes. I just needed a second. I know I like love the Avengers but to be mated with them.

I looked at my stomach. It wasn't flat. Quite the opposite. Soft and chubby. Not toned. Nothing I had was toned.

I had scars lots of them. I'm sure they did too. But I received the brunt of it. A long scar ran all the way down my back.

One around my left arm at my shoulder blade. Gunshot wounds. In my eyes, I couldn't ever be enough.

I joked a lot. I was happy a lot. But I still have my doubts. My insecurities. "Bee." I looked up and walked over.

Grabbing the coffee I sat and I grabbed a pen from my clutch. I needed to calm down and how would I?

I was going to write some solutions. Some mathematical solutions. Of course, I knew it was dumb.

But if I could think about anything else just for a second I could relax. Think clearly and figure things out.

But right now I couldn't I was struggling. I needed some time. Alone to my own thoughts.

Something I hadn't done in a long time.

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