48 "Puppy."

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I giggled as I kissed him on the lips."You have no idea what im capable of." Then I pecked his lips and looked at my phone.

He chuckled."Please your acting abilities are that acting you've never topped a day in your life."

I giggled."Sure Peter." I say playfully scrolling down my feed. Then he grabbed my phone."Prove it."

He says looking at me. My lip quirks up."Your sure you ready to be calling my name?" I question cockily.

He rolls his eyes."You can try." I smirk and crawl to his lap straddling him. He sat hands on my hips.

I laughed and took his face. Leaning in I gently started rocking my hips. I felt him buck a bit.

"Come on puppy dont give out already." I muttered kissing him. I already felt him react.

Knowing a button to push I suck on his lip gently biting making him whimper. Then he opens his mouth.

He is such a bottom. He didn't even fight me as I ravaged his mouth nipping and sucking on his lips as I did so.

Working my way down to his jaw I kiss it. Dragging my hands down his face and to the hem of his shirt I gently tug it off.

He didn't seem to mind as I gently massaged his nipples in between my fingers. "Beatrice~." He whimpered.

I started to kiss around his neck until he bit his lip. I quickly knew it was his spot. Sucking on it I felt him try to buck his hips up.

I stilled and I felt him whimper again. I kept marking down his body making it to his pants line.

But I stopped and came back up to his face. He whined."Words Puppy." I teased kissing his cheek.

"Please." He begged. I pinched his soft nipples."Please what?" I teased again."Please fuck me."

He whined bucking his hips again. I smirked."Goodboy." I praised already feeling his hardness under me.

Dragging my hands to his zipper I undo it. And slip his pants down. He easily took them off. Leaving him in his boxers.

I ran my hands down his sides massaging his v line. Making him look at me with a sad look. I chuckle.

Pulling his boxers down im greeted with his pretty impressive length. Around nine inches with good girth.

I stroked it my warm hands making him buck his hips up. I licked my lips and pulled down my underwear.

He watched in anticipation. Sitting on his length I go slow. So slow he whimpered. Taking his lips in mine I keep my speed.

He groaned as I tightened around him. Working my hands up to his hair I gently pull making his breaths shorter. Giggling I lean back.

Then I stop. He whimpered"Please Beatrice." I leaned forwards."Come on you can be louder than this."

I chide then I begin speeding up making him moan. "Beatrice!" He moaned out my hips rocking with his.

Though after a few minutes he started coming undone. But I wasn't so I kept going. His hands loosened as he came.

It was gonna be a long night because this was just the beginning.

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