18 Whipped

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"So are you gonna finally move out?" My mom says while sipping her wine."Isn't jay 27." My mom glared at me.

"Yeah, I will don't get your panties in a twist," I say before grabbing my phone. It rang."Speaking of-"

I got up and walked to the edge of the pool."Dude no what okay yes." I say stretching my arm above me.

"Wait slow down." I blushed."Dude that's not how that works." Facepalming I slide my hand down from my waist.

"Congrats on the new kid but I do have a dinner to get back to." I heard some more embarrassing words before hanging up.

Walking back I sit down."That was Damien." I say looking at dad."How is he?" I smiled.
"He and Connor adopted a baby boy."

I say. Dad smiled."Im glad he's doing better after the death of Bash." I grimaced."Yeah the last time we visited I forced him to take care of himself he seems better now."

I say smiling."Connor is your youngest son right?" Tony questioned. Dad nodded."Yeah, he lost his third soulmate last year due to cancer."

I frown."I really liked Bash." Mom sighed."Well, im going to be late to see Hannah be back tonight."

She says leaving. I roll my eyes."Take Charles don't drive!" I yell then I look at Jay. He nods and leaves.

"Dad im gonna go get Eva ready for bed im sure you have business to discuss," I say getting up and picking up my sister.

Dad smiles at me."Give her a kiss for me will you Honey Bee." I nodded and left towards the slider.

Closing it behind me I saw Jay fighting with mom about driving her. Going upstairs I made sure Eva still was watching her show.

My parents often didn't let her use her tablet only at dinner time but I did put it on to make sure she didn't hear anything like when mom was drunk.

When I made it to her room I put her on her favorite bean bag and went running a bath. Opening the window above the tub I heard them talking.

"Yes she told me about it I figure you want her to come live with you at some point." I wondered what they were talking about but didn't listen any further.

Letting the water run I take off her headphones but I put on her storytelling radio.

It was cute and told like 150 Disney stories.
I undress her and I take her to the bathroom. It didn't take long to wash her.

Then I dressed her and put on her nightgown. After I put on her cute Lil bonnet and I had her brush her teeth before finally tucking her in for bed.

I would probably miss this the most when I move out. "Mommy loves you Daddy loves you Sissy loves you big brother Jay loves you and big brother Damien loves you so much.

I gave her a kiss for each name. Just as she fell asleep she lazily looked at me."When you leave don't go forever cause then I'll miss you forever."

I smile sadly at her and kiss her again on her forehead before leaving.

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