49 Comic books & Bubble Baths

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Her footsteps were soft as she sat down the glass of water next to him. Then she leaned down and peppered his face in kisses.

"Come on baby wake up." She says sweetly. His eyes opened and he smiled. "Come on get up I've run a nice bubble bath.

He nodded and she disappeared in the bathroom. She set up a small fruit platter for a snack while she cleaned him.

There were also candles and the lights were dim. It was 1pm and she let him sleep. He wobbled in and she smiled.

"Come on baby I've got a nice bubble bath for you." Peter got in and groaned."I regret nothing."

He says tiredly. Beatrice laughs from her room as she made the bed. Then she stripped off her own clothes.

Walking in the bathroom she felt his eyes on her. "Peter I admire your vigor but your pretty sore."

He chuckled as she got in the tub."Hey im allowed to look." Smiling she nodded and sat behind him.

Taking his head she gently pulled him back into her breasts so she could wash his hair.She just smiled.

"Tonys gonna be so jealous." She laughed as she rinsed his hair. "You think you can put your dinginty aside and tell him I made you scream my name~"

She teased. Peter flushed."I lost my dignity a long time ago." Beatrice laughed again once she finished she tried to lift him up but he refused.

"Just a few more minutes." Giggling she popped some chocolate-covered strawberries in her mouth.

"Take as many as you need."


"Which means Batman didn't lie when he said more of Joker would just come back."

Beatrice kissed his forehead."Beautifully said though it's time to make some food yeah." He nodded.

She got up and drained the tub helping him up as well. Stepping out she handed him a towel.

Then she also dried off as well."You think there back?" Peter questioned."Maybe but im sure we could watch a movie if not."

He nodded grinning."A Batman movie?" She nodded."A Batman movie." He quickly started to dry off and change.

She had grabbed him a shirt joggers boxers and a sweatshirt. While she got herself a puffy jacket turtle beck skirt and thigh highs.

Brushing her teeth she left her hair in a messy bun. Peter followed her lead but just left his hair messy and curly.

She took his hand and dragged him downstairs. He just laughed as she did so.

"Is it possible to fall more In love with you?" He questioned."Possibly." Beatrice answered. Peter looked over.

"How so?" She smirked and looked at him."Three words Homade popcorn Thighs Movie." He nodded eyes on her.

She just laughed."Go get blankets and pillows were gonna put Tonys unnecessarily big t.v to use."

She says heating up butter in a pot. He quickly left to make a giant fort. While she was left in the kitchen with a smile in her lips.

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