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"So your ex kidnapped your sister so you killed his sister and then killed him and burned down his warehouse."

I nodded. Natasha smirked."Seems fine to me you're busy right now cause im sure you could let out some steam."

I just chuckled."Im gonna shower I've had a long day." Then I walked to the elevator and smiled waving.

The doors closed and then I felt it. I had shoved them down. But I couldn't hold them down forever.

Sliding down the back of the elevator I felt tears well up into my eyes. What if I hadn't saved her in time?

If I had listened to my mother. What if I wasn't enough? My chest constricted then the doors dinged.

But Instead of leaving to my room, I clicked the garage floor instead. I needed some release.

And I knew exactly where to go.
Nervous is what she looked like as she laced the familiar shoes.

It seemed as if she were a new dancer even with year's of experience. Though as she got up and flexed her muscles.

Fear ran through her. Though she knew this was the only way for her to fully release what she had been feeling.

So she slowly began dancing. Anxiety pumped through her chest from how overwhelmed she was.

But once she truly let go. It was a sight to see.


Breathe. That's what I told myself as I finished up packing my things to leave the studio.

I was much more relaxed and I had ended up changing into a spare outfit. As I walked back to the tower I took my time.

I ended up leaving my car to enjoy the weather

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I ended up leaving my car to enjoy the weather. Taking out my pen I took a hit before entering a boba shop.

Ordering two one for me one for Peter I wait for them. After they were done being made I took them with me to the Tower.

Taking sips of mine now and then. When I got to the lobby and walked to the elevator I realized it was a little late.

Putting my palm on the scanner I quickly get unside the elevator."Friday take me to the floor Peters on."

"Yes Miss Beatrice." I waited and when the doors opened I noticed it was just the main floor.

Walking in I look around everyone was gone. Must be on a mission. Then I go upstairs to my room.

Though as I open the door I see Peter doing his homework on my bed. I laugh and he looked up at me surprised

I raised my hand up."I brought you a boba." He smiled and got up then kissed me on the cheek before taking it from my hand.

"Your the best." Smiling I sit on the bed and put my drink down. Unzipping my boots I hear the computer close.

Looking behind me as I slip off a boot my lips quirk up into a smirk."Done already?" I doubted that.

He nodded."Okay."

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