33 Innocent.

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"How could we not like them?"Thor questioned. I rolled my eyes. Which in turn made the sensation start again.

Okay, change the subject, Bee. "You must have gotten good rest you slept in late," I say my eyes drifting down to my phone.

"Excellent rest." Bruce said making Peter snicker."Well, I have to go...work?" I say but it sounded more like a question.

Tony chuckled."You only work Monday Wednesday and Sunday." 'Fuck me.' I groan in my mind.

Wanda looked at me. Then I put my face in my hands."If you ask so nicely." She answered.

I flip onto my stomach."You got your leg brace off?" Steve pointed out. Well, son of a bitch.

"Yes, it's healed I usually just kept it on to keep my muscles stimulated." Worst ducking excuse ever.

"You ever think about dancing again?" Bruce questioned."I dance just not ballet I find it boring now."

I say before smiling. I didn't stutter. Progress. "What kind of dancing?" Peter questioned. What a little shit.

Great kisser and cuddler but a little shit."J-just ya know how I dance with my sister." Peter titled his head.

"Really?" I nodded slowly. "You lying?" Bucky questioned. God that man. I don't know what the fuck he did when he talked to me but now im fucking a grade A truth-teller if he asks.

"Yes." What the fuck. I need a damn drink. Getting up I walk to the kitchen and I find chocolate milk.

Yeah, I thought about alcohol than about what happens when I get drunk. Then thought no. Cracking open the can I drink it in a gulp.

Then my phone rang. I saw Damien. I can't ignore him. But he's an ass."Hello big brother what can I do for Ya?"

I question nervously."Should I get you a sex card like Jasmine or a surprise sex box for your birthday?"

I coughed and sputtered."Too late it's already arrived." He says. I grasp my chest."You traitor."

I say sinking to the floor."Open the elevator I dare you." I groan and walk over. My soulmates were talking in hushed voices.

"Friday sweety open the elevator doors." She did so and I saw the box. In cute baby pink wrapping paper.

"Dude, what kind of filthy whore do you take me for?" I asked picking up the box and shaking it.

"I saw the Vogue pictures a pretty filthy one use protection." He says before ending the call.

I groan "thats not how it works." Just before the line was cut."What's that?" Wanda said smirking.

"A.Fucking.Puppy." I say before walking to my room. Then I heard a whistle. Oh my God. Did I really just sass her.

I pumped my fist up into the air. Im finally getting more comfortable. But I definitely don't wanna go back down there.

But I know I do. Cause if Bucky comes back to retrieve me I'm probably just calling quits at that point and going back eighteen-year-old me.

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