29 Half Asleep

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When I heard the elevator ding I had just come out of the shower long sleeves of my hoodie covering my bruised knuckles.

My hair was wet as I walked down the hallway. Everyone was sweaty and looked tired.

I tried my best to hide in the kitchen as they passed also I wanted a water. But my plan was foiled before it started.

Natasha came in and grabbed a water. Then she saw me. Sitting on the floor with a water bottle and looking at my Instagram.

"Your still awake?" I could hear a bit of her Russian accent come through from the question.

"Yeah, I came home from work early and took a nap." She smirked and walked out. I don't know why she looked as if she were going to fuck me every time we talked but I wasn't mad.

It didn't take long for everyone to shower and come downstairs. At this point, I was on the phone with Jasmine.

"It is midnight and your calling me why?" I question."You loosened up yet I know your birthday is soon."

I rolled my eyes."Why are you even asking that question you give me a sex shop card every time dedicated to my quote lonely ass."

I mutter tiredly."Well, now you have people to model your sex toys for." I choked on my water."I only just kissed Peter last night holy fuck jasmine."

She laughed."Come on don't be a scary little virgin be a whore for once in your life." I groan.

"If I agree will you let me spend the rest of my night in peace?" I ask yawning."Yes." Rolling my eyes I get up.

"Fine just no glitter this time," I say before walking into the living room and curling up on the floor.

"Ya know you can go to bed." I groan In response before my phone rings again. I groan and look at the number then I groan again.

Getting up I sit next to Bucky and let it ring before starting to doze off. Then it rings again. I groan.

"Who is this?" I say tiredly."Dont act like you don't have my number saved. Was Jasmine with you last night?"

"No, she was probably out cheating on you which the women's volleyball team," I say propping myself up a bit.

"Which player?" I chuckle."Which player? She's messing with the coach my girl bagged a big dog." I say a little pride in my tired voice.

"And you just weren't gonna tell me?" "I don't like you and by the looks of it, darling neither does she. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

I ask my voice sarcastic."Uh no-." I hung up and leaned against Bucky tiredly. He was quiet as I dozed off.

But Tony was laughing his ass off in the background. Peter was amused as he looked at me.

Though when he noticed my shift and my sleeve go up he saw my bruised knuckles.

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