26 First Kisses

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I wiped my cheeks."That always makes me cry." I mutter. "Jesus that was so sad your banned from picking movies ever again."

Tony says trying to hide his red eyes."It was so good though the clear love and hopelessness made the movie so addicting."

Peter said looking at me."Well, I actually had been so caught up in the scene at the very end I let out a piercing scream and they left it in the bloopers."

I say to Peter. He looked at me and grabbed the remote. Then she went to the bloopers. Bucky and Steve we're quiet.

Then it showed the scene over again but this time as I collapsed crying I let out a painful scream.

"Wow, why did you ever stop acting?" Clint asked. I blushed."Too many offers for sexual movies."

Wanda leaned over. I felt her warm breath on my ear."I wouldn't mind recreating a couple of scenes."

I felt my face get hot as I put my face in my hands and curled into a pillow."For everything you type on the Twitter account your quite shy."

Natasha teased. I looked up and sputtered."That was a joke." I barely got it before burying my face back inside my pillow.

"Well, then where we're you going dressed like you were earlier?" I looked at Peter. Rolling off the couch I walked over to Peter and bent down to his ear.

"Ya know since your a dirty traitor your gonna be a distraction." Then I bit his earlobe before running out.

He got up and ran after me flustered. When u got to my room his hands tackled me to my bed.

I flushed before bringing him down to kiss me. My mark glowed. Then I watched as he looked at me.

"Your really pretty." I looked away but he brought my face back to look at him."I-i your pretty." I mumbled.

He chuckled and I brought him back down to kiss him again. My soul mark glowed. Then I felt it.

Something strange like it was running through my veins. We separated and I panted. Peter grinned.

"You taste like honey." Pushing him over I got up and looked down at him. Before crossing my arms.

"Why did you snitch me out." Peter chuckled."Well, I was hoping you would get angry at me cause I do enjoy this."

I flushed. "Hmf." He wrapped his arms around me before bringing me down to his chest.

"Your so soft." I blushed."Really you don't mind?" He held me tight."After hugging so many toned bodies you like the soft stuff."

I felt his hand soft squeeze my butt."Yeah, I do love the soft stuff." A squeak fell from my lips out of surprise before groaning.

"Peter." He laughed before kissing my lips."I've wanted to kiss you since I've met you." I tried to hide my face in his chest.

Then he kissed the crown of my head."We've all been pretty miserable without you. So maybe try a little to talk to them. I know your shy but please."

I look at him. I kiss his lips a little longer than a peck."I promise ill try my very hardest." He grinned and rolled over.

"Good now ok tired how's a nap sound." I smile."Great."

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