22 Besties

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Adjusting my glasses I sat down on the floor and reached in my bag pulling out some stripper heels.

Putting them on I get up and throw on a coat. Looking at Peter I put my finger to my lips. He looked over to the kitchen.

Then he smirked."Bye Bee!" I looked at him with a pout before hauling ass to the elevator. I had a hard time talking to them.

Much less admitting where im going dressed like this. As soon as the doors opened Natasha came out.

She looked at me and winked then the doors closed."Well shit." I mutter. Was that extremely hot a little bit.

Could I look at her and not stutter after that. Probably not. I waited a while until I was at the garage.

Then I got there I ran to my car in ten-inch heels. When I got in I pulled off and out quickly through the security gates.

I drove well over the speed limit before I parked and got out. I pole danced. Not as a job.

But I danced with my friend at lessons. Plus I loved to dress up and I use it to learn to love my own body.

Walking in I scroll down my feed. I decided to do a quick tweet before dancing.

Bee: If he put up his other two fingers the crowd would of gone wild

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Bee: If he put up his other two fingers the crowd would of gone wild.


User29:Shittt I meannn


Bee: Somebody had to say it

User08:Officer she's right here🔼

I laughed before putting it on vibrate and walking into my class. Jasmine grinned and ran over.

"So like bestie we're gonna have to talk about your shyness cause you have like so much dick available to you now."

I cough my face going red."Come on we can't be late for the lesson." She smirked and started walking back to the teacher.

Yeah the whole lesson I was distracted on how I would explain myself. Until I realized I was an adult and I don't owe anyone an explanation.

"Do you have like joggers?" I question as I look at Jasmine. She smirked."Not available to you until you bond."

I groaned and pulled on my coat before walking out of the lesson and to my car. I needed something to drink.

Pretty thirsty. I stopped at a boba drive through then went back to the tower. Zipping up my coat I get in the elevator.

My best friend sprayed me with glitter so now I was all gold and shiny. Yeah, Peter definitely is gonna think im a stripper.

If I enjoy the arts does that make me the artist. I don't know but I did check my Twitter and it's blowing up.

Almost like 300k likes. A lot more than usual. That's when I got a face time. "Jasmine?" I question as the elevator dings.

"Shake some ass hoe this is what we trained for. Now do it stop being shy I want some damn Nieces and nephews"

Then the call ended. I facepalmed and walked in. Everyone was eating. Checking the time I notice it was like nine.

"Oh, she is so dead," I mutter walking in. "Your back," Peter says. I nervously chuckle."Im gonna go shower."

I mutter before leaving upstairs.

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