11 Fuck My Luck

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As soon as the home rang I felt like I was annoyed. "Hello?" I asked sweetly. "Ah yes, this the assistant at Stark Tower."

Well shit."Oh? What's the order?" My eyes rolled back into my head as she told me the long-ass order.

"Oh also it needs to be delivered we will ring you in." I was quiet as she hung up. "Well fuck."

I muttered before getting to work. It took a short of fifteen minutes to make everything and walk there. It took an extra five to actually walk in there.

When I made it all I felt was nerves. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe it wasn't. But one thing I knew.

Was how the fuck I was gonna walk with my legs being bruised so bad. Yeah, it was my fault but still.

Tugging my skirt down a little I balanced the bag in my hands."Oh, I assume your the coffee girl?"

"Yes," I said peering just barely over the bag. "Great you'll be on floor 76." I nod and I start walking to the elevator.

The door opened and I stepped in. It closed behind me and I tapped my foot out of anxiety.

After a while, the doors opened. It was a room a meeting room. I felt the pull outside but in here it's insane.

Walking to the open doors I notice they seemed to be casually talking. I knocked on the frame.

"Coffe." My voice wasn't the loudest but they did in fact hear me."Ah, perfect you can set them on the table.

I walk over and sit it down with a huff. That has gotta be a new record."Have a good day." I mutter before turning around.

"Wait a minute." Fuck.  I see Wanda intensely staring at me. "Oh?" I question turning around.

Then I wonder why they don't seem to feel the pull. Flexing my hands I then notice I was being stared at.

Shit, I remember I put on my pheromone perfume. I didn't want to be bothered with this if It happened.

"Your the girl who left early at the gala," Tony says looking at me. I exhale. Then I nervously smile.

"Yeah, I did I was tired." Speaking of tired I was halfway to exhaustion. Rubbing my shoulder I turn to leave.

"If that all have a good day Mr. Stark." Yeah I know I was super formal. Especially after telling the internet, I would let all of them bone any time of the week.

But I was extremely shy. Also, sleep-deprived and bruised. Speaking of bruises. I hissed as I felt myself get decked in the chest.

"You okay?" I look behind me wave it off."My uh, soulmates they must be really clumsy." I say before the bell dinged and I stepped in. That's when I noticed Wanda's hand was glowing slightly.

But she was looking directly at me. I flushed and watched the door close. Oh my fucking God. I really just did that.

Yeah, im definitely gonna be alone forever.

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