28 Self Aware

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For the rest of the morning, I talked to my soul mates. It wasn't much but better than before. Peter helped a lot.

Though soon I had to go to work. So I left at nine everyone also was getting ready for their own missions.

As I drove to the small cafe I worked at I thought about what I would do now. I had a degree I could be a doctor.

But did I really want to? Not really. I was content with just staying home and taking care of my little sister.

Though I had to be useful. Pulling into my parking spot I shivered from the bad memories.

Walking into the small shop I see Izzy already leaving. She opened I closed and made the drinks.

Only about two people could work at a time. So we all worked in shifts. I had day shift and stayed till closing while other people came and went.

I took out baked goods from the ovens and set them out before preparing the machines. Then I wiped everything down a second time.


By the time I made it out of the cafe, it was ten p.m. Walking to my car I got in and started the engine.

Then I drove off. I drove slower than usual. Not really minding the fresh air. When I pulled into the garage and made it into the penthouse I wasn't surprised by the emptiness.

I found it relaxing. Walking into the kitchen I grab a water bottle and then I get out my chess board before sitting on the floor.

Though as soon as I picked up a piece I remembered something.
"If it doesn't work you think we can use her for intelligence?" A man chuckled."No."
I shivered. Then put the board away with the pieces before looking around."Friday?" I stilled for a second."Yes, Miss Beatrice?"

Breathing out I looked at my hands."Where is the training room?" It took a second."The personal training room is floor one door six on the left of the penthouse."

Getting up I walk to the room. When I open it I feel it.
"She's nothing short of a monster." My body stood sickeningly straight covered in bruises.

"She will be the prettiest monster I've ever created."
I felt my breathing get fast. Then I looked at the punching bag. Suddenly my body acted on its own.

I felt like I could feel and hear everything more intense than usual. I stood in a stance unfamiliar but familiar to me.

I felt wobbly at first. Then I settled into the stance. Striking I pull my fist back quickly. My eyes seemed to have a hard time focusing.

Flexing my hand I punched then kicked it. Flipping backward I close my eyes. Then I start walking in a circle.

I strike the bag then kick it this time rapidly. Flipping backward I sprint to the padded wall before running up it and flipping in mid-air.

Flexing my hands I breathe out I wasn't leaving until I knew what I could do.

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