23 Devious

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By the time I made it downstairs a movie was starting so, I sat down. But when I heard the music I felt myself flush.

"Hey, you want some?" It was me on the screen. The male actor leaned towards me. I smirked and took a hit then moved the cigarette towards his lips.

He leaned in but I grabbed his chin and kissed him the smoke flooded into his mouth as I blew it out of my nose and he blew it from his mouth.

I then slit his throat before walking off. It was just the beginning and I could already feel the rest of the scenes.

The next couple was the man who was actually the main character. But it wasn't long till I came on screen.

My outfit was a made by the sex gods. Though high boots and short leather shorts that showed my hip bone.

Black g string underwear sitting above it on my hips. Then a vest and a black choker. To top it off my hair was straight and fell to my waist.

It was before I cut it. I remember when they fitted me into that. God, I was so thin. "Baby your late for dinner."

My voice was sarcastic as I hopped off his desk. My hand reaching out to him."Im sorry work kept me late."

I tilted my head and pouted. "Work, work, work what about me?" He sighed and went to his desk.

"What about you." My character got angry and took a vase and through it."You don't even kiss me anymore!"

"Honey I've been busy." I leaned backed on the couch as I watched it play. My character fell to her knees.

Then she started to cry."Please Daniel I've done everything you asked." He chuckled and took a sip of his alcohol.

"Begging makes you look weak." That was it I got up off the floor and charged to his desk. Then I pulled him by his tie and kissed him.

He shoved me away. "You really do hate me, don't you? Fine, I'll leave." I remember this scene.

So vividly. My anger made the cameramen flinch but Donny played his role out to t. After this, I walked off the scene.

They fixed my makeup and prepared me for my next scene. While this happened Daniel found out I poisoned him.

He then spent thirty minutes trying to find an antidote. Though he ended up trying to find me once he realized I was the only one who could cure him.

But I of course had been doing something completely different in the next scene.

When it switched it showed my making out with a man. We separated and I pinned him against the wall and put my knee between his legs.

Then my phone rang. I smirked and kissed his neck before leaving to answer the call. "Of course, he's looking for me must have blue balls poor thing."

My sarcasm made the other male scoff from across the phone."He's heading over you should prepare I heard he's bringing friends."

I grinned and walked over to the man still leaning on the wall. "Give me five minutes and then lead him here."


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