46 Revenge is Sweet

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I blasted my music to make sure he knew. Getting out of my car I walk into the warehouse.

I'm quickly surrounded. Holding up my speaker I smirk."Give me what you got bitch."

I say and the fighting started. I took them down quickly but not without injury. Waving my hands over my wounds I see him.

"Come on cat got your tongue?" I question. He smirked. "You don't have the balls." I walk to him and I fire off a round.

He dodged. Then he smirked."You never could beat me in a fight." I scoffed."Fights aren't one-sided."

He chuckled."If you weren't so disobedient you would have been fine." I balled my fists and got into my fighting stance.

"I've never been one for control."
Leaning against my car I put a cigarette to my busted lip as I watched the warehouse fire roar.

Lighting it I inhale. Then I blow out. My phone rings."Hello?" I ask blowing upwards."You left your sister here why?"

I looked at my crossed legs."I'll tell you when I get back okay I just needed her to be somewhere safe for a little while."

"Wait what do you mean-" I hung up and flicked the cigarette to the ground before getting into my car and driving off.

I could practically feel their worry. I left my windows down as I drove. Knowing I was well past the speed limit.

It was a late night. Twelve. I left her there maybe eight hours ago. It took a while to do what I needed to do.

But he's dead. That's what matters. When I pulled into the garage I parked and walked from my car.

Getting in the elevator I was put in my floor. Then I leaned back. As soon as the doors opened I saw my sister coloring.

I was bruised but thankfully cleaned off the blood before I got here. Kneeling down next to her I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You have fun, Eva?" She nodded and showed me her coloring book. It was hulk. I melted. "Come on baby I called dad he's down in the lobby ready to take you home."

She rubbed her eyes."But I want to stay." I sighed as looked at Bruce he glared."Another time come on."

I packed her bag and put her in the elevator. "Bye sissy will visit you in a few days okay." She nodded.

I walked into the lab and watched the doors close. Then turned to see my two mates with their arms crossed.

"Im sorry okay, she just." I ran a hand through my hair."You look rough where we're you?" I start getting annoyed.

"Tomorrow I'll tell you im tired," I say turning around only to see the rest of my mates arrive.

"No, you tell us now," Bucky says stepping out of the elevator. Unzipping the top half of my leather bodysuit I sit on the table.

"Patch me at least babe." Bruce sighed and came over. I had a lot of explaining to do.

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