30 Vouge

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I woke annoyed. But I sat up and stretched. Then I felt it a spark. I looked at the couch Bucky was asleep.

I watched the sunrise. Stretching I pull my leg back. Then I felt it. Nothing. No sharp pain.

I look down at my knee and flex it. Tugging at my brace I take it off and try again. No pain. What?

I feel my chest constrict as my hands sparked. Rubbing them down my sides I breathe.

Nobody needs to know maybe it just healed on its own? Then I notice my phone vibrate. Grabbing it I sit on the floor.

"Hello?" My voice was quiet as not to wake the assassin on the couch."Im glad you've answered Vogue would like you in to take pictures today at six am sharp."

I look at the city below."Why after my incident I figured they wouldn't want anything to do with me."

I hear her chuckle."Your hot honey always will be we need a face and if your willing to match your new look with something more mature then accept the offer."

I look at my hands. If my Soulmates would take me more seriously and see that I am not just a kid then it would be nice.

"Okay." I hear the woman sigh she must have had her doubts. "Well, you better start getting ready it's five am. Also, come plain we have stylists."

"Ok," I say before she ends the call. Getting up I tiptoe out. Once I did I run upstairs and into my room.

I started my shower and got in not caring about the warmth. Then I wash and get out. Drying off I put my hair up and then I throw on some sweats and a shirt.

I made sure to brush my teeth pee and wash my face. Of course, I put on some socks and shoes as well. After I grab my purse keys and phone before leaving.

I made sure to be quiet as everyone was probably wiped from their missions. Once I hit the parking garage I was out.

It took thirty minutes to get to the studio and by then it was six. I came in right as they were setting up.

"Perfect I'm glad I get to see what im working with." A stylish saying looking at me. She took a minute before taking me back for my photos.

I sighed knowing how long it would take.
It took three hours and three different sets of clothes. The first is a simple black lace dress. Innocent.

Then I move on to the chains and the chockers fishnets all the fun stuff

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Then I move on to the chains and the chockers fishnets all the fun stuff. I got a lot of good poses.

Most were more mature but they wanted a fresh look the fashion was leaning towards more chains and black.

My kind of fashion so I had no problem. But after I did.

"This will be published today and you will get 200,000 for your photos and publicity towards the clothing line."

Wait published today? Oh no. I didn't want them all to see it yet. Nudge them slowly into the idea of me wearing more revealing clothes for pictures.

But not like throwing me out there. Plus I don't feel like dealing with a bunch of horny mates.

Oh well.

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