42 Asshole

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I watched him come in the ring. Closing my eyes I breathed. Then I opened my eyes. It was slow as Steve called out.

"Start!" I ran forwards and flipped upwards Bucky caught it and grabbed my arms to slam me to the floor.

Using that I twisted around and split my legs reversing the flip and making him let go with my force.

Getting on my feet I crack my knuckles. Peter was just a warm-up. We went at it for a while him keeping up with my attacks but not being able to land one.

Me attacking and dodging. At one point I was able to flip and punch him in the chest. Honestly, it made me feel a lot better.

But soon I got faster. I stopped pulling my punches and I was landing more hits. Eventually, I was able to get him down.

My hair was in my face as I felt myself finally calm. Bucky got up easily though I could tell he was sore.

I didn't feel a bit bad. But I didn't want him to be bruised. Annoyed I walked over and kissed his cheek.

"Im still mad at you," I mutter before walking over to the treadmill. I heard him chuckle. As I turned up the speed I felt my phone vibrate.

"Fuck." I said before answering it."Hello Mother." God, I just wanted to bleed out and die.

"Oh, you finally answer." I close my eyes and slow down the treadmill."I was busy what do you want?"

I question."Why would you-" I roll my eyes."You only call me when you want something now what do you want."

I ask annoyed."Mika called me and I think your being unreasonable." I took a deep breath."Unreasonable!"

I asked angrily."Jayson has always been there for you he loves you. Why won't you just give him another chance?"

I swept the hair out of my face before answering feeling pissed off again."He beat me and verbally abused me every fucking day we were together and you think im being unreasonable?"

I say in a hushed voice."Your overdramatic. He's always been with you and you just cut him out he misses you."

I take a deep breath."I have soul mates mother I would never reject them. Especially for him never."

She chuckled."Im not asking you to reject them im just saying-" I close my eyes."You are delusional stop calling me."

I say hanging up before stopping the machine and sighing."Fuck." I angrily say already feeling the calls.

Looking at my phone I block my mom and Mika. "Jesus I want I nap and some ice cream oh my God im craving a root beer float."

I mutter before looking at my stomach."I went today so I can spoil myself." I mutter before checking my Insta.

Nothing not since I reposted a picture of me at the gala. Checking the forecast I see it's raining.

"Oh, im so fucking having a lazy day," I say before leaving.

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