31 Bad Choices

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When I got back everyone was awake. It was later on the afternoon and I walked in, in an outfit from the shoot.

My hair was curled and my glasses were on. But the thing that was on show were my soul marks.

All seemingly like normal tattoos. Stretching I put my purse down with my keys. Then I feel it. My marks tingled.

"Thats new," Natasha says looking at me. I look at the hallway entrance and see Clint leaning on it.

Well fuck. "I went out with my friend early this morning," I say walking into the kitchen and taking off my mask.

"It's very open," Tony says his eyes ranking down my body. I grew red."I-Im not gonna wear it for much longer just had an errand to run this morning."

I say. Peter looked at me."Can I be your next errand?" I choke on my drink. Coughing I feel my face turn red.

Everyone seemed to think it was funny cause they were all laughing. Then my phone rang. Picking it up I hear a scoff.

"What do you want?" I ask."A girls' night just the two of us I missed you!" I groan and then I smirk.

"I can't I have a date." I felt the room tensely."With who?" She questioned."Nathaniel remember him."

I say lying easily."Yeah, but don't you have-" I then looked over and saw my soul mates looking not happy.

"Yeah yeah I gotta go talk to you sometime this week," I say hanging up. "Whos Nathaniel?"

I sputtered realizing that my lie was a not being beneficial to me at the moment. I'm sitting in a room with three assassins.

Of course and the rest. How the hell would I explain without stuttering."T-there is no Nathaniel."

I say. Natasha tilted her head."You sure?" I looked at my palms wondering how the hell I would get out of this.

Clint was blocking the only way out. So I got creative. Running for the way out I latched on to Clint and kissed him.

Easily making a distraction I moved him out of the way and ran up the stairs. Then I closed and locked my door.

My face was beet red but I got out mostly unscathed. Also, Clint is a really good kisser. Touching my lips I feel my soul mark come to life.

It made my body purr. Then I noticed two handprints on my sides a few inches away from my boobs.

"Fuck." At least Steve and Peter's marks faded. Though I then noticed my grave mistake.

I had really run away and locked the door to a smart penthouse. Meaning Friday was about to be the biggest traitor ever.

Stripping I change into an oversized shirt and some shorts before going to my closet opening the door and closing it.

Would I face my bad choices like an adult? No. Why wouldn't I? Well, I have a bunch of mates that seem like they would eat me alive.

Not that I would be opposed. But I gotta learn how to talk to them at least.

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