44 Please

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Nat smirked at me."Admit it, admit it and I'll give you what you want." I felt my face fall red.

I was more comfortable with talking now but this woman...god this woman. But I didn't want to admit it.

She knew it. But she also knew her offer was enticing. I looked at my hands."I-" She tilted my chin up.

"Look at me when your talking to my love." I took a shaky breath. "I admit that I was frustrated..it was hard for me too."

Nat leaned forwards."Such a good girl." She muttered. I felt myself already start to get warm.

Then she gently grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I was dazed as she wrapped her arms around me.

Then she nibbled on my neck. It didn't take much because her mark was activated. I let of soft moans the electricity in my body putting me over the edge.

Though just before I could get my release she kissed my neck and then tucked my head in her chest.

"Sleep you tired," I whined. I was so close...she knew it. But I was tired. So I decided to be mad at her after my nap.
I flip over to where my phone vibrates."Hello?" I question."Bee come to see me right now."

I feel confused as I sit up."Jayson, what the hell?" He was breathing heavily."Do it now or ill never tell you where your sister is."

I got up walked out of my room."Touch my sister and your head will be on a fucking spike, Jayson!"

I yelled angrily walking downstairs."Threaten me all you want but without me, she'll be gone forever."

I scoff."Im on my way." I was quiet before dialing Mika. I wasn't stupid."Mika honey I've decided to get back with Jayson."

"Really?" Her voice was excited. Stupid bitch."Yeah, he said he took my sister so we could have a family and I was gonna set up a party to celebrate our relationship."

Yeah, I was lying out of my ass."Oh, I'm so excited she's at my house come around and pick her up!"

I smirked "thankyou for everything I don't even know what I was thinking." Then I hang up.

My face had a nasty glare. Calling Fury I breathe and walk upstairs."Oh, Beatrice how good to hear from you."

"Cut the shit I need a favor." I hear him chuckle."They always come back what do you need?"

I couldn't help but look at my hands is this what I wanted. To be in this field again. Fuck it was for her.

I was quiet."I want my license as a shield agent reinstated today." I hear him grumble."It would have to be for an emergency sit-"

"My sister was taken." He sharply inhaled."Done." I smirked. But just before I ended the call he spoke.

"And Beatrice?" "What?" I asked."Give them hell." He says before ending the call. I looked at my wallpaper.

It was me and Evangeline dancing."I will I promise I fucking will."

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