25 Flowers

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"Fine then let me pick the movie," I mutter. Peter threw me the remote which I caught. Looking at the five movies I starred in I groan.

The one we watched was Snakes. It's pretty good. "That one's depressing," I mutter skipping over Letters.

The movies I starred in were either sad or sexual. Until I found it. The gold mine. But before I made it there I saw it.

The atrocity."You were in a fifty shades of Grey movie." I looked at it and sighed."Fifty shades darker." I corrected.

"Isn't that soft porn?" Tony questioned. I coughed and chose the next movie. It's called L'amour sous la pluie.

My first and last love story. I finished the day before my twentieth birthday. "What's it about ?" Steve questioned.

Steve and Bruce just came downstairs so it scared the shit out of me."Oh, we're watching movies Beatrice was in."

Tony says. Bruce walks over to sit next to Wanda and Bruce sits next to Natasha. I put it on and smiled as it played.

It was me in a Victorian-style movie. My character's name was Beatrice which I found funny.

I was the daughter of a widowed man. He was trying to marry me off but I had fallen for a woman.

She was a soldier and I to never get married off acted like a spinster. Of course, my father wasn't happy.

But as the war started and we had our last meeting in a field of dandelions my character gave the woman soldier her virginity.

And only after they lay under the stars in the flowers did she reveal her name. Elizabeth Sifren.

But as the morning came the soldier had left her nothing but a letter and a bracelet. My character left home in tears.

Eventually, she had been forced with a lord who only wanted a child. But she wanted no part in it

So just after they got married and had ridden off to a small place to stop for the night she had stabbed him in the chest with his own knife.

Then she called for help framing someone else for the murder of her husband. As she returned home she learned her father passed.

Leaving her with riches she could never make use of. So she sat in the field of flowers every day waiting sometimes she painted.

But every day she returned without a heart to beat. Until she learned that many soldiers died in the war.

She assumed Elizbeth had died. So that day she prepared to hang herself from the very tree they laid against the summer before.

Though just as she went to wrap the rope around her neck Elizabeth had lifted her from the rock she stood on and kissed her passionately.

Before holding her tightly."You would have killed yourself just to be with me again?" My character took Elizabeths face it tears in her eyes.

"Without you, I have nothing to live for." Then the movie ends with my character sitting with Elizabeth in the field of flowers.

But as the movie seemed to end the scene changed to snow falling and my character holding nothing but a soldier's hat as she cried.

Before taking her own life. Then the credits rolled.

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